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RE: Sound! Euphonium
I felt that the series was quite dry in places, and delved too deeply into side character's backstories. This gave the show a hollow feeling as I didn't feel I actually knew the characters very well after what was as said a whole year of school. The production was incredible, Kyoto Animation deliver quality animation, backgrounds, art and scene setting in spades.
I'm looking forward to more; the main characters I feel need a lot more fleshing out in comparison to the side characters, and some of the girls in the OP and ED barely got any lines or development throughout the series whatsoever (Sapphire especially).
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I've not enjoyed this as much as any other Kyoto animation series I've seen. All in all it was good, which is what I rated it on MAL (7/10). But imo Plastic Memories managed to fit a lot in, be it sickly-sweet rom-drama or not, and didn't feel rushed in 13 episodes, this did however to me.
But like I said, I enjoyed it, just not nearly as much as I thought I would. I thought it would be more fun, and I think that's what has left me disappointed.
13/07/2015 12:37 PM |