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RE: Please help with Remotejoy on PSP3000
(30/04/2012 03:40 AM)DataKRASH Wrote: (30/04/2012 03:23 AM)gundam_obelisk Wrote: (30/04/2012 02:55 AM)DataKRASH Wrote: Had the same problem too, though I have a PSP 2000. Try this.
I hope this works for you ^^
Edit: I don't know if you have this version or not though...
Thanks for the rep natale, got to try it first. sure hope this one works.. 
Let me know if you have any problems ^^
Nat, I think I got a problem here. Well it works now thanks to you , now I can start my own reviews. But, seems it doesn't work on games. I've read that it had issues on pops, but it's not on my concern. Now every time I started a game it freezes the PSP, and I can hear PC sounds like the USB has been disconnected.
Thanks Nat, it worked flawlessly on the VSH. Now on games though.. Tested it on all games, none had worked.
30/04/2012 04:20 AM |