Poll: Are there too many mods on EP?
Overflowing with mods
Too many mods
Just the right amount of mods
Not enough mods
Severe shortage of mods
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Are there too many mods on EP?
Lets hear it.
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ginger minger
Specialist Snoozer

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Post: #13
RE: Are there too many mods on EP?
Ive only been here a short time i don't think there are 2 many mods,i don't think they abuse power they are just like skool milk monitors:) and  to like to help the newer members that can't be a bad thing.

lol. there will be a lot of mods saying just right amount i guess;)

[Image: einsteingingerwarp.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 21/07/2007 08:28 PM by ginger minger.)
21/07/2007 08:25 PM
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - Wolf - 19/07/2007, 09:13 PM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - ginger minger - 21/07/2007 08:25 PM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - S7* - 23/07/2007, 08:43 AM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - dedat - 27/07/2007, 12:18 AM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - xBu - 27/07/2007, 01:18 AM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - diego - 27/07/2007, 01:20 AM
RE: Are there too many mods on EP? - dedat - 27/07/2007, 12:49 PM

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