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RE: Oh boy....whoa...
lol, come on its fun with friends. when ur drunk, spoon happens. just don't take any big cash or something and its not a problem, just don't care.
by the way, even when ur drunk, ur still thinking. its not like the alcohol completely takes over ur body, u still have an idea of right and wrong (though it can be severely blurred. but that's fun) and stuff. what's the worst thng that can happen? well, you can fudge up some stuff because ur much more honest than usual and you say things you shouldnt
so basicly
if you say something stupid, you can screw up some friendships or get beaten up. or arrested. but that's all part of the fun, taking risks n stuff. its not like ur friends r gna do something to you as soon as ur drunk, and theyre probably drunk themselves too.
by the way theres a lot of levels of drunkness
theres when you feel a bit wierd and u start to think u ought to stop drinking drunk, up to when u puke ur guts out at the hospital drunk.
19/06/2007 06:11 AM |