(17/04/2010 09:14 AM)hecaitomix Wrote: that's how shounen works lol.
the naruto, well, its a fantasy, anything can happens. about the head to head battle, ryu hayabusa may know.
like every anime, everything happens, breaking the laws of physics, time and reality.
no dood, that's not the format of shounen manga. shounen manga is about awesome teenagers (or young adults) fight (physically or spiritually) for his goal. usually with some kind of super power. or with a companion who has it.
Ryu uses a mask, and stars, plus all of his moves is actually ninja, izuna drop, wall kick, flying swallow.
Ayane, look at all of her finisher, they are all assassination moves. unlike cool ninja breathing fire and summoning slugs
I've seen most of shounen jump manga one of the only exception I've seen so far is Dr.Slump, which has a female main character with no dream. but it's a gag manga and she's strong like a main character should, so it's fine.
Quote:my point is, just because you hate/dislike/loathe something, doesn't mean everyone should do the same. each of us have our own preference. and for me, it's not right to make fun of these people who likes them.
well, unless he gets a fudging costume to imitate the character then that makes him a retard.
bad or not, is because of one's perspective, and wee can judge one's self by judging his perspective. to take a spoon or not? that's his part. (eg alot of people here don't like my k-on bashing, i don't give a damn >_> ).
and see? (while i hate cosplay myself) you can't judge em because they like to dress up. totally not.
Quote:keep in mind, shonen are specifically made for younger boys.
doesn't matter to the current discussion. really. i am 19. and i know people in their 60s love Death Note and a few other shounen series.