Chief Phantom
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RE: Anybody know's any anim's like Naruto and Bleach?
that's the problem here then, how can you say that an anime that is too long does suck, when you haven't watch it yet.
it's just most here prefer short anime. watched some pretty long ones before, db, dbz, yu yu hakusho, hunter x hunter, various gundam series, etc. i grew up watching those. they are the mainstream on philippine tv, the shonen types. and no, they don't suck for me.
most of these series have "moral values", well, it's always good vs evil, trust, betrayal and revenge. they are popular for a reason.
i better let my kids(if ever lol) watch these shows than watch ecchi/loli/harem ones, that always include fan service.
17/04/2010 08:26 AM |