Guardian of the Shining Sky
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RE: A "wow" one man game engine
I guess you guy are right about the company matter. It kinda reminds me of the days where I used to experiment with Enterbrains RPG Maker.
I never made more then 5-10 maps because I'm a lazybone but the maps I made, I tried to fill them with as many details as possible and I always wanted to make a dream-like experience^^ I would show you guys some of my work but it all died years ago with my 20GB HDD
As for the guy, thanks for the site, ReeD I will check the stuff out! I just hope he one day makes a game like the video I posted. If I can't do most of it from scratch maybe he should try to use something like the Unigine Engine so he has a solid base to work on.
15/02/2010 04:34 AM |