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] ♥♥♥ ] Desufication Committee Desuu~ [ ♥♥♥ [
~ Shrine for our Rozen Maiden ~
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #129
RE: ] ♥♥♥ ] Desufication Committee Desuu~ [ ♥♥♥ [
* S7* kneels

* S7* claps hands twice and clasps my and hands together

* S7* bows

today I pray again..

unlimited desu works forever~

desuu~ desuu~

Suiseiseki I wish for your blessing through times of hardship and honesty, truth and forgiveness

May you bless us again with another day with the sun rising and setting; setting alight our days and skies of hope and dreams eternal and forever

* S7* bows again

* S7* leaves
17/01/2010 06:18 PM
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RE: ] ♥♥♥ ] Desufication Committee Desuu~ [ ♥♥♥ [ - S7* - 17/01/2010 06:18 PM
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