Who can have the most randomest conversation!
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Omnipotent Presence

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Post: #51
RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation!
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: sup

The following information is given in accordance
with U.S. federal laws, §318.12.17 F.A.C.

The person you are chatting with has an IP address
of a registered sexual offender. Please use caution
when dealing with a potentially dangerous individual
and do not give out ANY personal information.

Automated message #36821.
You: Wee have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to broadcast your self with video and audio recoding in a odd way. The local authorities in your area have been not alerted and should not contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this as a prank will be immediately posted to proper establishment. Thank you.
You: aww
Stranger: lawl
You: lol
You: nice
Stranger: oh the irony
You: yah
You: what's up?
You: lol
Stranger: not much
You: dang ill copy that
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its funny how much ppl believe mine
You: bye happy trolling dude
You: :D
Stranger: cya

14/10/2009 07:28 PM
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation! - Kchan - 14/10/2009 07:28 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 22/07/2009, 12:02 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 14/10/2009, 03:44 PM

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