[Released] Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
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[Released] Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
by L04d1ng
What is this?
This plugin automatically sorts the homebrews, which are displayed in XMB, according to their frequency of execution.
How do I Install/use this?
Copy "homebrewsort.prx" to "ms0:/seplugins/" and append the following line to "vsh.txt":
"ms0:/seplugins/homebrewsort.prx 1" (without "")
Comments and other stuff:
This plugin only affects homebrew by now, but not *.iso files or PSX-games, even though both things are planed for a next version.
If anybody discovers a bug or has any improvement suggestions for me might sent them to my email-address (you can find it at the bottom of this file).
Acknowledgments and greetings:
Thank you to the guys at http://www.lan.st for helping me with some stuff.
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Download Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
03/08/2009 08:00 PM |
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[Released] Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5 - silver_surfer - 03/08/2009 08:00 PM
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