Mc Cabe
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RE: Twitter - Anyone use it?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's probably easier to make your own Twitter lol. All it is, is just a page where you put some text - easily do that in HTML.
IDK, but Twitter seems to be one of the most useless of the social networking sites I've seen >_> Seriously, stick random messages about yourself? Not only is it very tedious (assuming you do it often) I fail to see why people would be interested in you going to school, finishing your homework etc (unless they consider you someone special...).
Blogs allow you to put more useful info on them...
Or I'm not getting the whole system perhaps.
Much quicker - takes 10 secs!
Easy to do - on any phone, web, automated script
My personal opinion twitter is amazing for updates. You can get updated on anything lighting fast. I like to use it to keep up with the blogs I regularly visit, saves subscribing to RSS feeds and then using RSS readers...
If you join you will be surprised on ho much you use it, especially if you are following people you like etc
Plus its great for marketing! :D
16/05/2009 01:47 PM |