Existential Entity
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RE: Games on Mem Stick
The_316_Wolf Wrote:damn i have a 512, so I'm not empty on the ISO's and PSX games. I'm planning to get a 2gb since they're on the cheap now.
A few months ago my mate told me his friends from Tafe had hacked psps. I had never even considered buying a psp until then, so I did some research and found psp hacks. Then I went out bought a 2nd hand psp with fw 2.71 for $230 and a 4gb stick for $250 lol. It was worth it.
Syfe Wrote:i can't find a free copy online anymore. i used to but Id software was all "no more freeware on DOOM"
If I ever find it ill let everyone here know :)
10/05/2007 05:35 PM |