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[NEWS] Exploit Fever Is Here Again
Noobz joining forces with FreePlay and MaTiAz to further develop GripShift exploit
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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RE: [NEWS] Exploit Fever Is Here Again
I'll pass on the 3000 but it's nice the HB Scene slowly gets back where it once was^^
Ahhh I remember the day I downgraded my 2.00... I had no broadband at that time so I downloaded the MPH Downgrader at school and as soon as I was home I read the readme a gazillion times and quad checked everything. My heart was beating like poo poo during the process and I almost cried of joy when I first had SNES9X running^^

It almost seems unfair, because the new users have it so easy and safe with Pandora and CXMB for modding... I always thought twice before I did something with X-Flash (anyone remember that?^^) but in the end I never had a single not even Semi-Brick during the pre-Pandora era.

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08/01/2009 03:25 PM
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RE: [NEWS] Exploit Fever Is Here Again - SkyDX - 08/01/2009 03:25 PM

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