J_G_ Wrote:I don't think they're lucky, the Japanese are a more intelligent, efficient race of people.
They're far more advanced than the rest of the world that's they get all that stuff first because they were the genius' who created it.
UrbanDictionary Wrote:Wapanese is the term used to describe a person of non-japanese descent (usually white, however some others are lumped in there as well) who is incredibly obsessed with Japanese things.
A person who watches anime or majors in Japanese language at university is not counted as wapanese.
These are common behaviours displayed by wapanese:
1. Being obsessed with anime. The typical anime watcher enjoys the shows because they are fun to watch and interesting (not all are for children, that is a myth). However, wapanese will take it to an unhealthy level.
2. Their rooms will be filled with japanese things. Anything from anime stuff to japanese things such as Tatami. A true wapanese will have next to nothing non-japanese in their room.
3. Many wapanese will believe that Japan is the best country ever and that if they go there they will be adored. However, most wapanese don't understand that Japan is a very racist society and they don't like white people very much.
4. They will constantly post things on the internet containing a few of the japanese words they know. These words are usually: kawaii and baka. These words will be used in an english sentence such as: "You are so baka"
5. Many wapanese will develope an unhealthy obsession with asian girls/guys. Many of them will refuse to be with someone who isn't japanese.
6. wapanese tend to spend all of their time watching anime, reading manga and listening to japanese music. A lot of them are unemployed and live at home with their parents (some are students, some are over 30). The ones who do have jobs, have very poor jobs, such as working at a supermarket.
7. Wapanese listen to tons of japanese music but will refuse to listen to anything non-japanese. They also tend to say that non-japanese music is poo poo while the japanese music is godly. However, most wapanese tend to listen to Japanese Pop which can be very, very similar to non-Japanese pop.
8. Many wapanese do cosplay. However, many normal anime watchers cosplay as well. However, wapanese tend to overdo it and act very elitist at conventions.
9. Most wapanese know very little about Japan. They don't look past the anime and whatnot. Most wapanese don't know anything about Japan's history. However many wapanese will pretend to know what they are talking about, however they tend to be incorrect.
10. Wapanese also tend to butcher the language (besides using them in english sentences). A good example is the meaning of otaku. The wapanese will use it to describe themselves, however most don't realize that otaku in Japan means you are very mentally unstable. Otaku in Japan are looked down upon and ridiculed.
They believe that everything in Japan is good and everything anywhere else is bad. They don't see the truths before their eyes and refuse to see them.
Those who cosplay, dress in japanese fashion, watch anime, etc. aren't considered wapanese until the unhealthy obsession is present.
Spoiler for tl;dr version:
Wapanese, on the other hand, is a person who idolizes everything about Japan, believing that the grass is greener there and the sun shines brighter, that is why one will try to be as similar to Japanese people as possible... quite oftenly, taking it too far and becoming an exile of their own culture. The term "wapanese" (White + Japanese = Wapanese) has been typically used on Americans who tend to be/ act like they were Japanese, but recently this label is being attached to people from all over the world, who have exaggerated interest in Japan...
Spoiler for Uncyclopedia:
Uncyclopedia Wrote:“Wapanese” (also known as "Weeaboos" and "Cosplaya-san") are decidedly white and (or) any other race; individuals who, by means of thoroughly warped postmodern acculturation processes, have come to the decision that it is in their best interest to act as if they were denizens of the nation of Japan. The term “wapanese” can be accurately thought of as an analog to wigger. A whitey can be classified as a “Wapanese” if they are in possession of two or more of the following defining traits:
1. They worship at the feet of the goddess Ayumi Hamasaki and pray for her to deliver them to the promised land of the rising sun.
2. Has an unhealthy obsession with anime, particularly anime intended for a young audience (see Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-Oh!). They also live under the belief that all Western animation is garbage and every piece of it, from Steamboat Willie to The Incredibles was copied from some obscure anime only 3 (or possibly less) people saw.
3. Operates under the belief that every aspect of American culture is vastly inferior to that of Japan’s—even though 99.9% of Wapanese have never had firsthand experience of any sort with their preferred culture (in other words, they’ve never set so much as one foot upon the island(s) of Japan).
4. Halfheartedly studies Japanese language and/or is a part-time practitioner of martial arts. For "practitioner," read "watcher of TV," as both are essentially the same to the Wapanese in this case.
5. Repeatedly tries to mix Japanese words in English speech or use "Engrish" to sound either cute or funny, but comes off as an annoying asshole praying to get his or her donkey kicked.
6. Has a sword
8. May be afflicted with a terminal case of yellow fever; however, they constantly fail in their quest for Japanese poontang.
9. Wears an anime costume (known as cosplay) on any time other than Halloween.
10. Has an undying hatred of all other Asian cultures, especially Chinese, Tibetans, Filipinos and Koreans.
12. Calls anyone that criticizes any aspect of Japan as "racist", even though everyone knows you can only be racist against black people.
Interestingly, Wapanese are generally thought of as “failures” and rejects within their own culture. Social scientists, such as myself, speculate that it was their failure to gain acceptance within their own culture than has lead many a white geek to seek out Japan’s culture as a surrogate; however, they’d be shattered to know that the insular and somewhat racist Japanese society would be even less accepting of them than the people of their true and native culture.
(This post was last modified: 08/12/2008 07:05 AM by Assassinator.)