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RE: Is this a good laptop to get?
MehHakker Wrote:squee666 Wrote:hello its # AMD Turion 64x2 TL-64 Processor
# (2.2 GHz, 533 MHz FSB, 1 MB Cache)
amd are great processors even games require less processor requirements on amd compared to intel and its fast
Kk I'm a noob in processors, does it matter that it has 1mb cache? how bout the Mhz?
the more cache you have, the quicker your processing will be.
Toshiba are not that good for entry-level. So out of the two mentioned above, I'd suggest the Compaq (in fact, I'm thinking of that too.. for myself.. the Acer One is my sister's!)
Snce you can go upto 400-500 bucks, I'd say, go for the Inspiron or, preferably, the Studio. Dell is among the few companies that sell 3GB RAM for a relatively cheap laptops.. the inspirons start from 299 bucks and the studios from 399 bucks.
07/10/2008 06:39 AM |