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RE: [plugin] PspStates Experiment for PSP SLIM
Dark_Alex Wrote:I know that people with phat may think this is unfair, but look it in another way, you have a better way of running 1.50 homebrew, and it would be unfair for psp slim users t not use its potential. As soon as it is possible the implementation in phat, it will be done, currently it is just not possible. Well, it is, but it could take like 2 minutes to save a state.
By the way, I detected an important bug that could load to incorrect load states when you have exited the game. This issue only happens in certain memory sticks, it is due to an incorrect inter-thread code.
Tomorrow a new version will be released with this bug patched, with non global state support, and I will research if it is possible implementation in pops (it depends of whether sony is using more memory for pops in slim or not)l
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
02/07/2008 04:34 PM |