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Question about offsets...
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Question Question about offsets...
Quick question.

3D2C0  -94   X Position of Video Thumbnail Icon
3D288  -280  X Position XMB in Sub-Sub menu (aka...when in a folder in photos/music)
3D29C -260  X Position XMB bringing up  Infobar in game submenu:
3D2A0 -330  X Position XMB  bringing up Infobar inside sub photo folders

I go to the offset. Now obviously the numerical value at [3D288] offset is not -280, it's 0818. Can someone clear up what format this number is in. It's supposed to be -280, I want to change it.

Also, is one offset one group of four digit numbers? Or is it two groups, therefore offset [3D288] would in fact be 0818 0100 instead of 0818?

I'm new to this, well, hexing. Just a few basic questions hopefully someone will easily be able to answer.
(This post was last modified: 23/06/2008 08:45 PM by time4fun.)
23/06/2008 08:40 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Question about offsets... - time4fun - 23/06/2008 08:40 PM
RE: Question about offsets... - SchmilK - 23/06/2008, 08:48 PM
RE: Question about offsets... - time4fun - 23/06/2008, 08:51 PM

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