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RE: So my iPod data got "corrupted"
Anger Wrote:i had this particular problem and it was caused by the use of an older version of floola. it seems that the version i had used had somehow made the more recent itunes not be able to recognise the contents of the ipod even though they were still there. however thanks to itunes sync options all i had to do was a factory reset on the ipod and re-sync all the stuff. yeah it took a while but it did recover everything. now im not saying this is what happened but its got the very same symptoms, so either way a factory reset and re-sync would cure it. i don't think it will be the hdd packing up but it could be if the drive/ipod is quite old, then extended use would cause the hdd to fail. it happens.
one other thing just occured to me - do not fill the hdd right to capacity. it may have been that that has caused your problem. leave at least a few hundred megs to be safe for itunes useage.
lol @ 32 gigs of "other". classic. :)
The iPod is an 80gig, and all the music is strewn about different Hard drives at different computers, with about 40% of the music on an old hard drive that has been broken for years, so I can't get that stuff back. I am just glad I backed it up using... iDump I think. Can't quite remember which program it was.
ix_stylez Wrote:its not currupted, its folder just got renamed to something with a "_2" on front of it. All you need to do is go to folder options » check 'view hidden folders & files" on your computer. Then plug your ipod in and go to the folder/file in the "itunes controls" folder then delete the "_2". All your music should be back. This is what happend to me with my iphone, but its the same with ipods. I had to find that out the hard way. >.>
By the way I recommend "Fixtunes" if your using itunes. it renames the song name/artist/ and album to the right one. Its also good if u want album covers.
That would have been nice to know, since I couldn't find any info except from a few cases in which they just had to reset the iPod. Either way, it isn't THAT big of a blow to me. At least now I'll know what to do if it happens to a friend or to me again.
<3 Diego!
(This post was last modified: 20/05/2008 06:44 PM by Hellgiver.)
20/05/2008 06:39 PM |