**The Welsh Guy**
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RE: [RELEASE] Llewelyndows AERO PSP 3.90M33 ThemePack_llewelyn_amfuge
llewelyn Wrote:haha......I'm not a welsh by the way..I'm a
yes soorry i'd admit i really didn't have time to polish up those video icons(even the pic icons,not much satisfied really) thumbnails overlap a few pixels with the icon...i can't figure out where to adjust its location, it's my first try.....
thanks for all your comments....
I'll try to fix it up as soon as i get's already dawn
that's alright mate.. it's a very good theme for ur first try :)
by the way, I've made an updated CTF version so it includes a wallpaper and I've also added a gameboot, vibestar's OSK and a few other tweaks :)
here it is.. u can add it to the first post if u want
29/03/2008 03:21 PM |