*cue dramatic music*
tigerfan enters the SOTW!!
the story behind this week's piece is an interesting one.........two days ago, I was working on ideas for this week's entry, when i was attacked by a group of genetically-enhanced ninja monkeys. The ninja monkeys proved to be quite powerful, possessing a wide assortment of ninja weaponry. Being a cyborg, I knew that I could easily slaughter all the ninja monkeys in less than two minutes, and in less than one minute, all but one ninja monkey was dead, who I interrogated to determine who they worked for. The monkey said that they were mercenaries, and that the person who hired him paid him in large amounts of E-Pigs, a sure sign that their employer is a member of the Void and (most likely) a rival Graphics artist. I tried to find out more information, but the monkey performed a hari-kari suicide, leaving me with a bunch of dead monkeys.....
A little confused but still in good shape, I began work on the sig the next day....however, as I was working on this sig, I heard a loud noise outside. On my way to see what was going on, I immediately came under fire by an unknown enemy. I quickly hid behind something and activated my plasma claws. However, it seemed that this adversary was much better than the ninja monkeys, as he had already disappeared.....I began to search for this mystery attacker when I heard a faint sound behind me....I turned around just in time to deflect a lazer blast coming at me...As I collected myself following the attack, I looked up just in time to notice a figure flying above me, his identity concealed by the bright sunlight. I quickly deactivated my plasma claws, activated my built-in plasma arm cannon, and opened fire. I managed to hit the unknown enemy's jetpack, causing him to slowly descend to the ground. Once on the ground, I knew whoever wanted me dead meant business, as they had hired none other than the galaxy's most deadly bounty hunter, Boba Fett, to kill me.
After a long and epic battle, I had Fett cornered, but he refused to tell me what I wanted. I was planning on killing him, when he activated a smokescreen.........When the smoke cleared, I looked up to see Fett leaving the planet aboard Slave-1. However, as I prepared to return to work on my sig, I discovered that Fett had dropped a data disk, the contents of which were badly corrupted....
The following is all that could be deciphered from the disk:
Target: tigerfan
Wanted: DEAD
Reward: 100 Billion E-Pigs
In my opinion, I believe that whoever is behind this is looking to eliminate me to increase their chances of winning the SOTW, but seeing as they are a member of the Void, are trying to eliminate me in a way that puts no suspicion on themselves....in other words, any member of EP is a possible suspect, but a well-known GFXer (or GFXers.....) are most likely behind this conspiricy...
*end dramatic music*
anyways, they were unable to stop me from entering this week, so here's the sig, featuring the vector of Mariko Kurama created by EP's own ExBu :D