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WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
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No1sy B0y
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Post: #1
WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
This video is starting to get a lot of views lately after 7 white guys (I'm saying white because the fact that they say the N-Word numerous times in the video because they think they are "gangsta" is a disgrace) jump 1 helpless asian dude.

I know at least one of you is gunna joke about it and i don't care but in all seriousness this is disgusting and i hope that these kids die. Funny how they are all winded out after just 2:00 Mins of beating on one person who didn't even resist at all. I'm telling you, these kids, after they go to court i bet you that they will cry like the B!tch3s they are. That dude who got beat up props for him for not tearing up, but damn these types of people are so fudgeing stupid i am raging, and yes i am mad bro. Cause the simple fact that 7 guys just decided to jump one person. I don't care what race these people would have been but what they did was pure cowardice.

The problem with this world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

Here's the Video, I Downloaded it and Uploaded it, cause YouTube keeps deleting it.

This is not the Full video Though, I couldn't find it, But at the End the Asian Dude manages to Run

6 Assholes VS. 1 Brave Asian:

What a Bunch of Pussies that Gay pack is. Getting kicked like that in the head is dangerous, cause it might cause
some brain Damage, Like Bleeding from Inside. Hopefully The Asian Dude will be OK.

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17/01/2012 10:01 PM
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Post: #2
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
Downloading now, haven't watched it yet, but it sounds really bad. I hate how this happens...

Edit: Just watched it..., very messed up.
(This post was last modified: 18/01/2012 12:59 PM by OMightyBuggy.)
17/01/2012 11:02 PM
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Post: #3
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
Had thought you were referring to a Youtube video (so you could see the # of views).  Haven't downloaded, but I know there's plenty of these nasty videos around the net.

Not knowing what the video is like, I guess it does pay to be a bit smart depending on the community you're in.  I can't imagine something like you described happening often here, but if the US movies are accurate, they probably do happen in some US communities.  If it's common, it would make sense to walk around in groups, or take a taxi.
17/01/2012 11:14 PM
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Post: #4
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
Pretty desensitized to pretty much anything like this. Racism is common and happens all the time. I do find it funny how you insult all of them by calling them gay and whatnot without taking into consideration that you might be offending someone else by doing so whilst being offended by the word "nigger".

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17/01/2012 11:48 PM
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Post: #5
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
Not cool D:
Hope this guy sues all of them for hiz injuries.

18/01/2012 12:16 AM
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Post: #6
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
its true the video is rather disturbing, and that's to be expected from the net, I've seen some crazy stuff too
(17/01/2012 10:01 PM)No1sy B0y Wrote:  ...but in all seriousness this is disgusting and i hope that these kids die....
but this comment bothers me, to me you ought to be the better man, and take higher ground, don't stoop to their level, its the kind of thing i picture them saying and/or thinking when angry or provoked

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18/01/2012 01:02 AM
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Post: #7
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
(18/01/2012 01:02 AM)beaner2k6 Wrote:  but this comment bothers me, to me you ought to be the better man, and take higher ground, don't stoop to their level, its the kind of thing i picture them saying and/or thinking when angry or provoked

He doesn't care as long as his love for small Asian men is justified when racists die.

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(This post was last modified: 18/01/2012 01:03 AM by Joom.)
18/01/2012 01:03 AM
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Post: #8
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
18/01/2012 01:42 AM
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Post: #9
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
Some of the attackers were Asian apparently.

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18/01/2012 01:44 AM
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Post: #10
RE: WOW Really? I've lost faith in Humanity...
4 attackers are asian including the one holding camera I think.

Edit: 1 was arrested that I know of.

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(This post was last modified: 18/01/2012 02:05 AM by eKusoshisut0.)
18/01/2012 02:00 AM
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