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Method's Arts and Stuff
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You may call me Reverend.

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Post: #1
Method's Arts and Stuff
Baaaasically I wanted to make a new thread to put my shit in :D
I haven't really done much lately so blub blub blub...EmptyoneKnock-knockKnock-knock

Anywaysssssssssss I'll start...
[Newest to oldest]
Title: Battle Royale Entry
Type: Vector
Spoiler for B&W:
[Image: BattleRVectorcopy2.png]
Spoiler for Purple & Orange:
[Image: BattleRVectorcopypurple.png]
Title: Method Sig - Mark II
Type: Vector
[Image: Method2copy.png]
Title: Swirl Doodle
Type: Scanned Drawing
[Image: SwirlScancopy.png]
Title: Rock, Sea and Sky
Type: Photo
[Image: wallpaperr.png]
Title: Graffiti Signatures - Method, Brittany, Mythos & Spatz
Type: Vector PNGs
Spoiler for Method:
[Image: newnew-1.png]
Spoiler for Brittany:
[Image: brittanycopy.png]
Spoiler for Mythos:
[Image: mythos.png]
Spoiler for Spatz:
[Image: spatzcopy.png]
Title: 3D Method Vector Sig
Type: Vectorrrrrrrrr
[Image: methodsig.png]
Title: Swirls Wallpaper
Type: Unfinished wallpaper
[Image: swirlscopy.png]
Title: Vector Swirl Cloud Tattoo Design
Type: Blah blah
Spoiler for B&W:
[Image: design1copy.png]
Spoiler for Coloured:
[Image: swirlthingcopy.png]
Title: Purple Cow
Type: Shuddap already
[Image: purplecow.png]
Spoiler for Dizzee Vector:
[Image: dizzeestage4-1.png]
Random Larger Arts
Spoiler for IntentioArt Banners:
[Image: intentioartbannerv2copy.png]
[Image: intentioartbannercopy.png]

[spoiler=Concept XMB - ORBIT]
[Image: ConceptXMBcopy.png]
[Image: newidea.png]
Never got made :/
[Image: Rara.gif]
Spoiler for Coke:
[Image: coke.png]
Spoiler for Guitar V:
[Image: guitarvcopy.png]
Better viewed in HD/HQ

Title: Imagine
About: This video is about a child's imagination and dreams.
Featuring: My little bro Dan :)
Source: YouTube

Title: The Other Me
About: Don't really know....
Featuring: My other brother....
Source: YouTube

:D Hope you like....

By the way I may make a new DeviantArt....cause I dislike my old name.....

Yeh in a way I copied R!KKU/Rukia watever who cares....

[Image: mvg1hw.gif]
(This post was last modified: 06/09/2009 06:04 AM by Method.)
05/08/2009 04:55 PM
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yuri princess

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Post: #2
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
lol, that purple cow is awesome. Hihi

I think it'd be awesome if you could make me one of those awesome name thingys.

cause mine sucked, lol.

I'm gay.
Spoiler for online game stuff:
[Image: 76561198003967361.png]
[Image: thelemmingbas.png]
3DS FC: 4184-1632-9353
[Image: wQZsI.jpg]
In the words of the wise trademark91:
windows Proud
05/08/2009 05:33 PM
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OMG they killed Kenny!
Worlds End

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Post: #3
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)

[Image: spideysigcopycopycopy.png?t=1308548347]

[Image: ccandrew.png]

Object Link

Click here to view embedded webpage

Please note that by activating this feature, there may be undesirable consequences

(This post was last modified: 05/08/2009 06:30 PM by andrewcc.)
05/08/2009 06:28 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
lol, yeah, awesome cow vector, also love the 3D one Madwin
05/08/2009 09:22 PM
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Mc Cabe
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Post: #5
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
andrewcc Wrote:very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)


Nice work method! :D

06/08/2009 12:31 AM
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OMG they killed Kenny!
Worlds End

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Post: #6
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
Mc Cabe Wrote:
andrewcc Wrote:very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)


Nice work method! :D

shiiiizzzz.... two k's..... thanks mc cabe

[Image: spideysigcopycopycopy.png?t=1308548347]

[Image: ccandrew.png]

Object Link

Click here to view embedded webpage

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06/08/2009 05:57 AM
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You may call me Reverend.

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Post: #7
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
Has I gone over the character Limitses???

Couldn't add this to the first post :/ over the character limit me thinks...

Old "MehHakker" era sigs :D
Newest to oldest...I think...
Spoiler for Yoko (2 versoins):
[Image: YOKO2.png]
[Image: YOKOcopy.png]
Spoiler for Grunge fire?:
[Image: grungefirev2copy.png]
Spoiler for Dizzee (probably one of my favourites ever :P):
[Image: dizzeesigcopy.png]
Vectored by me
Spoiler for Sunset Earth:
[Image: SUNSETEARTHcopy.png]
Used my own photo^ :D
Spoiler for Pharrell:
[Image: Pharrellcopy.png]
Not vectored by me
Spoiler for London Summer:
[Image: LondonSummernobordercopy.png]
Again, my own photo^
Spoiler for Tech:
[Image: tech1gif.gif]
Spoiler for Impact:
[Image: IMPACTcopy.png]
Spoiler for Hulk:
[Image: Hulksigcopy.png]
Spoiler for Snowsplosion:
[Image: Snowboardcopy.png]
Spoiler for CHAR!:
[Image: Charcopy.png]
Spoiler for Jet Set Radio:
[Image: graffitisigcopy.png]
Spoiler for S - Sora:
[Image: newnewwtextcopycopycopy.png]
Spoiler for Hayden:
[Image: Untitled-3copy.png]
Spoiler for Nightcrawler:
[Image: Nightcrawlercopy.png]

[Image: mvg1hw.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10/08/2009 07:58 AM by Method.)
10/08/2009 06:53 AM
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You may call me Reverend.

Posts: 6,358.2856
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E-Pigs: 71.3136
Post: #8
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
Old "MehHakker" era sigs - Part II
Spoiler for Halo Sword:
[Image: weaponcopy.png]
Spoiler for Arcanine:
[Image: arcaninecopy.png]
Spoiler for Graduation:
[Image: Graduationcopy.png]
Spoiler for Gorillaz:
[Image: Gorillazsigcopy-1.png]
Spoiler for DiddyK:
[Image: DiddykSotwcopy-1.png]
Spoiler for Ed:
[Image: edbrightcopy-2.png]
Spoiler for Fullmetal:
[Image: fullmetal01copycopy.png]
Spoiler for Vincent:
[Image: vincentsigcopy.png]
Spoiler for Masterchief:
[Image: masterchiefhalosigcopysmall.png]
All sigs that I made before this are pretty awful......

[Image: mvg1hw.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10/08/2009 07:47 AM by Method.)
10/08/2009 07:40 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
Omgz you are a-mazing. I love your work. Seeing work that good makes me want to
toss in the key. Hahaha, don't ever stop making your art, you only get better and better.


[Image: photo.png]
10/08/2009 07:54 AM
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You may call me Reverend.

Posts: 6,358.2856
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Joined: 14th Jan 2008
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E-Pigs: 71.3136
Post: #10
RE: Method's Arts and Stuff
Hehe thanks :)

I just realized I probably should've reserved some posts......woops :P

Updated first post

Be sure to watch the videos :)

[Image: mvg1hw.gif]
10/08/2009 08:12 AM
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