So, I joined hackerrank lately, after learning a bit of C, Python, and Java after ruby, so I could focus on learning algorithms, instead of 9001 languages. I decided to dabble in their bash section for a while, since my hackerrank is on my linkedin profile, and I'd like for potential employers to be able to see my mad bash skills. Thinking I was hot spoon after getting up pretty decent on the bash leaderboards, I decided to try the "Hard" section of their bash... section. I was presented with this marvelous challenge:
**Submissions with the design hard-coded in them, will be rejected**
Creating a Fractal Tree from Y-shaped branches
This challenge involves the construction of trees, in the form of ASCII Art.
We have to deal with real world constraints, so we cannot keep repeating the pattern infinitely. So, we will provide you a number of iterations, and you need to generate the ASCII version of the Fractal Tree for only those many iterations (or, levels of recursion). A few samples are provided below.
Iteration #1
In the beginning, we simply create a Y. There are 63 rows and 100 columns in the grid below. The triangle is composed of underscores and ones as shown below. The vertical segment and the slanting segments are both 16 characters in length.
Iteration #2
At the top of the left and right branches of the first Y, we now add a pair of Y-shapes, which are half the size of the original Y.
Input Format
A single integer, N.
N <= 5
Output Format
The Nth iteration of the Fractal Tree, as shown above. It should be a matrix of 63 rows and 100 columns. (i.e. 6300 printable characters) It should be composed entirely of underscores and ones, in a manner similar to the examples provided. Do not include any extra leading or trailing spaces.
Your eyes do not deceive you, folks! They want you to make a mandelbrot generator in bash! Holy spoon! Needless to say, I just nope'd the fudge out of that, and stuck to moderate challenges (This is actually the only hard one)
There was one coder that solved the test by generating HASKELL code to a file, and using the HASKELL program to dump the fractal, instead of using bash.
Also, hackerrank has a timeout rule, so this monstrosity of a script has to generate the fractal before the site decides that it is taking too long, and fails you for it!
Is that a Christmas tree? Lol, while that's nice, its not quite as hard as the fractal generator, since its always the same size. I could make that same code, probably. The fractal generator is supposed to ask for a number, and print out a level of complexity based on the number you give it, like 1=the small fractal, and if I know hackerrank testers at all, they'd be cocks, and give something ludicrous like "8362", or try to segfault it with "65536" to try and break it.
read n;
declare -A matrix
for ((i=1;i<=num_rows;i++)) do
for ((j=1;j<=num_columns;j++)) do
function drawTree()
local x=$1;
local y=$2;
local depth=$3;
local height=$4;
if [ $depth -eq 0 ]; then
return 1;
local hh=$((height/2));
for ((i=1;i<=hh;i++)) do
drawTree $((x-hh)) $((y+height)) $((depth-1)) $hh;
drawTree $((x+hh)) $((y+height)) $((depth-1)) $hh;
drawTree 50 0 $n 32
for ((i=num_rows;i>=0;i--)) do
for ((j=1;j<=num_columns;j++)) do
printf '%s' "${matrix[$i,$j]}";
printf '\n';
Algorithms are good challenges when you're learning (better than knowing a lot of languages) IMO.
Never dug deep into Bash as other languages tended to do what I needed.
Good job solving it!
(This post was last modified: 28/05/2016 05:59 AM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)