This is one of the latest chapters of my book. It's a theory I've been thinking of lately, one that I sure as hell don't think anyone else has come up with. It has to do with how sleeping determines a person's life, and I can't even explain it. You'll just have to read this...
Spoiler for don't look, might destruct your mind:
It is often said that all life depends on sleep; without it, our bodies and minds would lose the energy and inspiration wee’d need for even the most minute of everyday activities. Neglecting the rest and relaxation wee require to keep ourselves healthy and alert in our lives would only result in sickness and the inability to accomplish anything worth accomplishing.
It is also believed among many that eating food is one of our main sources of energy, but in truth, ingesting fruits and vegetables and the like is a sort of weakness of the mind that the humans—in their desire to determine the true use of their tongues and teeth—have falsely come to terms with. The concept of food and digestion are unnecessary and invaluable, and one of which shall not be spoken of any further.
It is true that all life revolves around and depends on sleep, but in a way that no mere human could realize. Not only does sleeping rejuvenate the body and mind for future use, but it helps determine the course of the rest of their lives. When one sleeps, their minds shut off and they are cut off from the rest of the world; they are in a state of their own making, and theirs only. It would be impossible for anyone to wake them up when they are truly asleep.
“But that can’t be,” you may be saying, “I’ve been awakened many times due to the activities of other beings. How can this possibly be true?” The answer is simple; the cause of these experiences comes from the sleep you are getting, which in turn changes your reality for the better. Or, in other words, one cannot be awakened from their personal reality unless one wills it. Before you can make sense of this answer, you would first have to know what it means to truly be asleep, putting aside what you think you know.
As it goes, sleeping is a state in which the human has totally disconnect him or herself from their reality, shutting down everything aside from their hearts—the one part of their being that keeps them alive in this process—and giving themselves the rest they need for the future. While in this state, they take it upon themselves within their subconscious mind to randomly determine what they want to happen in their lives the next time they wake up. This all takes place whilst the human mind is inaccessible, so it renders their thoughts and memories useless, and nothing of what is decided can ever be remembered.
And this is how dreams are made; the human mind needs to believe it is doing something while the body is trapped within its own personal universe, so it creates random images, sequences, sounds and emotions, shoots them throughout the entire body at once, and the outcome is either good or bad, resulting in an enjoyable dream or a heart-pounding nightmare. Nightmares tend to occur when the brain has deemed the human too far-gone into their personal reality, as it is possible to become trapped, although it is very, very unlikely and only tends to happen during old age; this is the very truth behind the thousands upon thousands of humans who have seemingly “died in their sleep.” They haven’t truly died, but have only been lost within their own personal reality for too long, causing their body to completely shut down and make it impossible for their own consciousness to return to its former state.
As for the basics of what takes place when one is “truly asleep,” to put it in a nutshell, goes as the following: when one sleeps, their living reality is changed in an infinitesimal amount, which alters the course of their following waking hours. Sleeping is what makes life unfold itself, and without it every being in existence would cease to exist (Please refrain from forcing yourself to sleep to see what changes will take place the next time you awake, as the differences are so infinitely small that they could never be seen). A more efficient way of testing this so-called “theory” is to not sleep for as long as possible; the longer one goes without the sleep they need, the more their reality slowly begins to stop expanding out into the infinite reaches of probability and time, and sooner or later the brain will shut itself down and force the human to sleep, causing their unconsciousness to determine at random, once more, what the future holds in store for them. Nothing of true value is ever produced from this process of random decisions, as nobody in their right mind could truly say they knew what the future would be, but it does help quite a bit; infinitely many scenarios, situations, conversations, activities, noises, feelings, emotions, and feelings are analyzed and put into question, and are taken into consideration for future use in their hosts soon-to-be reality.
In the end, the conversations you have, the people you meet, the things you accomplish, and so on and so forth, are all semi-pre-determined when one sleeps. Lacking sleep, one would find themselves experiencing less and less every day, and if it were possible to stop sleeping entirely, their reality would stop and they would cease to be (or to even have been, for one who isn’t can’t ever be).
As a final side note, water has a very interesting similarity with humans and all other life forms—this being that water works almost exactly the same way when it comes to the course of their lives. If you didn’t know that water wasn’t a living thing, then now’s your chance to find the truth. Find a river or flowing stream of any sort, and take a look; watch as it bubbles and flows through rocks and over sand older than the Earth itself, how it rises and falls and swirls in and amongst itself over and over again, never stopping, and yet…there seems to have never been a start, either. This is because water is sleeping—always has, and always will be. The waves and ripples and movement of the water may seem to be repeating infinitely amongst itself, but truthfully there are impossibly small changes being made amongst the tides and waves and pools (even unmoving water, i.e. the cup of water you just took a sip from) that take place every second of every hour or every day, and it never stops, keeping the flow of the water alive and well.
This all may have come to a shock to you, and there is only one thing I can say that may ease your thoughts.
“Sleep on it.”
My Daleks, just understand this; if you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.