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[Released] PSPWeb! Cam V0.1 by Roman V.
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #1
[Released] PSPWeb! Cam V0.1 by Roman V.
PSPWeb! Cam V0.1
by Roman V.

[Image: scrshot2zr0cy4.jpg]

[Image: scrshot1pt0ij3.jpg]

- This is webcam application that enables the psp to take
- snapshots from the PSP Go!Cam / Chotto Shot and send
- them to the pc or to a remote computer via wireless
- connection.

Spoiler for More Details:
- All configuration is saved into 'config.txt'
- (so far jsut the ip address and port)
- At the moment, up to 10 frames a second can be sent
- over wifi to the pc.
- Ip address can easily be configured within the homebrew
- giving it flexibility when using either multiple PCs or
- when your host has a dynamic IP.
- Since this is an initial release i have not implemented
- much features so heres a list that will be added in
- future releases:
Address resolver.
Improve F.P.S.
Add a nice GUI.
Add more effects such as Flames, Snow, Etc...
Possibly add a Windows Live Plugin that enables a
two way video chat.
Install And Use
- To Install, extact the contents of this archive to a
- folder ('C:\pspwebcam') then run 'install.bat' (Vista
- users must run the file with admin rights...)
- copy the EBOOT.PBP to 'PSP/Game/PSPWebCam' (create a
- folder if you have to)
- To start the program, open 'PSPWebCamServer.exe' and
- you see a window appear, then launch the Homebrew on the
- PSP. follow the onscreen instructions and you'll be set
- once you have a connection to your pc or host, press
- Select to start sending the snap shots and press
- Select again to pause it.

About the Author
- I am still a student attending school so development
- of this homebrew will be a bit slow in the mean while.
- Please do not take this and claim it for yourself
- because that's just selfish.
- if you wish to help in development or be a beta tester
- of this, please contact me below.
- To contact me please send me a PM on QJ.Net
- Forums or email me at:
- ( at )
- Anyway, Enjoy!
- Roman V.


04/02/2009 01:25 AM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #2
RE: [Released] PSPWeb! Cam V0.1 by Roman V.
Interesting concept, wondered if more could be done with it. Shame it isn't exactly a Webcam ^^'... yet
(This post was last modified: 04/02/2009 11:08 AM by S7*.)
04/02/2009 11:08 AM
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