The download has flash0 & CTF, it also includes alternate gameboot,visual player, & background wave, along with the PTF needed to make a new CTF if you want the alternate stuff in a CTF & a guide on how to create a CTF
Vegetano1 Wrote:CUUL!! i see you fixxed the wave!!
Thanks for the knowledge Vegetano
id on't think i really helped,. but i tried,. ;)
how did you fix that wave and 01-12.bmp?
You helped alot when you told me to use Indexed Mode
When I saved all my icons in Indexed Mode I was able to get the 01-12.bmp & wave to work correctly
also I was able to get the 01-12.bmp as 460 x 261 resolution by saving it as a PNG & naming it 01-12.bmp,but only after I saved all my icons in Indexed Mode
make a jpg with 460 x 261 resolution(or try 480x272) and save high quality in photoshop as "12.jpg" without quotes ;p
put in the folder and double click the "batch.bat" file,., now you have a 01-12.bmp with your jpg @ the 12th month color,. ;p
Nothingface420 Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Nothingface420 Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:CUUL!! i see you fixxed the wave!!
Thanks for the knowledge Vegetano
id on't think i really helped,. but i tried,. ;)
how did you fix that wave and 01-12.bmp?
You helped alot when you told me to use Indexed Mode
When I saved all my icons in Indexed Mode I was able to get the 01-12.bmp & wave to work correctly
also I was able to get the 01-12.bmp as 460 x 261 resolution by saving it as a PNG & naming it 01-12.bmp,but only after I saved all my icons in Indexed Mode