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Can no longer access WLAN Router
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Post: #1
Can no longer access WLAN Router
Hi guys,
as the title says I can't access my WLAN Router anymore, my network looks like this:
[Image: unbenanntct9.jpg]

As you can see I have two routers, the Gateway one is my actual Internet Router, has a integrated Modem and one LAN Port. It's IP is and I can access it perfectly.

My Wireless Router is the WL-607 one, has as shown the IP and 4 LAN ports.

One LAN cable goes from my Internet Router to my Wireless router and my PC and XBOX 360 are connected to the LAN Ports 2 and 3 of the Wireless Router, my Laptop, PSP and iTouch are connected via WLAN.

Every device can access the internet perfectly and I can reach the GUI of my Internet Router normally by inputting in Firefox.

For the first two days I could access the WLAN Router GUI also normally by inputting in Firefox however one morning when I turned everything on (I pull the plug of the WLAN router every night cause it glows like a xmas tree^^') I wrote in Firefox and simply got:

"The connection was reset while the page was loading"

No Username/Password request or anything.
It's the same with every browser and device, the WLAN Router is working perfectly just the GUI fails.

Anyone got an idea what's the error here? I already looked through the manual but there seems to be no way to reset the router and it has no buttons... Sadist

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22/11/2008 03:36 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Can no longer access WLAN Router
wasn das fürn router? kannste da nich noc handers drauf zugreifen? bei meiner fritz-box kann ich z.b. schreiben "" als url.. vllt hat die ja irgendwie ne dynamische ip.. was komisch wäre.. ansonsten musst du mal per lan an das teil rangehen.. kann sein dass da die einstellungen alle in arsch gegangen sind, beim ausschalten..
habe mit meiner router auch komische erfahrungen gemacht.. logik spielte da keine rolle.. 10 mal stecker rein und raus.. und irgendwann gings wieder.. einfach so.. naja wie egsagt.. würde mal per lan kabel rangehen und dann mal wegen einstellungen gucken.. und wenns zu doll leuchtet, kleb die LEDs halt mit duct tape oder so ab :D

(kein bock jetz auf englisch zu schreiben.. man möge mir verzeihen)

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22/11/2008 03:41 PM
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Down with MJ yo

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Post: #3
RE: Can no longer access WLAN Router
try using that's what happen to my router once after i messed with it, also try "ipconfig /all" in cmd
also try restarting the computer

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(This post was last modified: 22/11/2008 03:45 PM by Mickey.)
22/11/2008 03:43 PM
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Post: #4
RE: Can no longer access WLAN Router
Thanks for the help guys, I just fixed it!^^ After I rescanned for the Access Point and DHCP did it's job I was able to access the WLAN Routers GUI from my iTouch, there I changed the WLAN Routers IP Address to so that it's on the same Subnet as my Internet Router.

So far every device is now able to access the GUI, let's see how it will be tomorrow after everything restarted^^

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22/11/2008 05:09 PM
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