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Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
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Fallout 3 came out last week sometime, and I just picked it up. I regret to say, i am kind of disappointed... For a rpg from bethesda using the same engine (gamebryo) I think it was capable of much more. The guns are an awesome addition to an oblivion-like world, but they do very little damage and the ammo is lacking, the vast wastelands (though really awesome) are lacking in excitement and enemies, and the npc discussion interface is far inferior to oblivion. I have been awaiting this release for several months now, and when i found out it was going to be immediately available for the 360, i almost shat myself. I reserved a copy, then bought it on 10/28, only to be greeted by an OK game. For all the promise that the game held, I am kinda heartbroken. If anyone agrees with me, or thinks i am full of chocolate, please let me know.
03/11/2008 01:45 PM |
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
you sound like my wife complaining about the game cause she didnt pay attention to the tutorial...
she was a die hard oblivion player and i stared the game up and played for about 30 minutes then she kept tellingme what buttons to press and finally took the controller away and played for hours after i fell asleep.
Then saturday she got up early all excited to play and about 2 hours after that she comes storming into my computer room saying fudge this game fudge the guns, fudge the ants, fudge it all, i never want to play this fudgeing game....
she was FURIOUS....and couldnt kill the fire ants...
The key to killing ANYTHING in this game is using the VAT system...where you press the right bumper button and then you can target individuals and body parts...aim at the head or something adn use you AP points and you get a kick donkey little cut scene of you killing the enemies! you can use knifes, baseball bats, guns, anything....she went through 200+ bullets to kill 5 fire ants just shooting from the corsshair on the screen...then i showed her the VAT system and she made it through those guys in one - three bullets each!! Then she started over because she wanted to do better LOL...
It is a very sweet game..just a bit of new things to get used to.
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
03/11/2008 02:10 PM |
Resident Full Stop Abuser.....
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
I say its awesome
Havent played any previous fallouts, so i can't compare it, but i love the game. The wastelands seem much better inhabited than the oblivion forests (i had to get a mod to add life to oblivion before i could play (PC gamer). This game seems to avoid this issue well. Like the availablity of weapons...with a bit of skill i found myself soon in possestion of a sniperrifle and a flamethrower, both of which are useful
While i havent been playing long, i can so far say this has mostly lived up to its hype, which says a lot
03/11/2008 02:15 PM |
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
Where's the "Haven't played it" option?
(This post was last modified: 04/11/2008 02:41 AM by Assassinator.)
04/11/2008 02:40 AM |
**The Welsh Guy**
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
awesome game. I'm loving it so far.. done over 30 hrs in the game and haven't even done any of the main quest yet..the game is frickin huge
04/11/2008 03:04 AM |
Way Of Destruction 33
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
hmmm.... fallout 3 is a FPS right? why does it sound like a mystical game
24/11/2008 08:54 PM |
31/03/2009 02:24 PM |
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
I am cruising the game with God-mode,. and its huge!!
PC ultra video settings alot of crashes,.. alot of saves,. ;p
i guess i got all wapons except the nail-gun :( and or any other guns i don't know of,.. duh,..
Great game!!
31/03/2009 02:24 PM |