Paper Mario (Mario Story Glory) CTF RELEASE
26/09/2014 03:26 PM Posted by: slyboogy27 in PSP News
Paper Mario (MSG) v1

[Image: RzdR9gJ.png]


Concept & Design

Tools Used:
CTFtool GUI v5 beta - patpat
PRXeditor - patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer - Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter - SONY

Gameboot Tools
UMD Stream Composer
MPS to Gameboot

Adobe Products Used
Photoshop CS3
Fireworks CS3

All icons provided by

Battery Icon created using the HP and FP icons
from the game as well as the yellowish/orange bar
(ripped right off of Project64)

Custom Gameboot

simply took the original sony gameboot and faded in the
Intelligent Systems Logo and added sound from the game

Custom Click Sounds

Paper Mario Soundboard

Custom Font - Hey Gorgeous.ttf (Font used in PM games)

busy icon
taken from Large Original Icons Revived CTF

I used the same paf.prx & vshmain.prx from Haunter Remixedv4.5

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Paper Mario MSG.ctf (Size: 1.29 MB / Downloads: 2078)
  Replies (6)
 Boob Aid: Japan porn queens in 24-hour 'squeeze-a-thon'
26/08/2014 04:15 AM Posted by: FonFon in Random News
A group of Japanese hershey kisses actresses are preparing to have their breasts squeezed by fans for 24 hours this weekend for a charity event loosely translated as 'Boob Aid'

[Image: 5493b64276.jpg]

TOKYO, Japan – A group of Japanese hershey kisses actresses are preparing to have their breasts squeezed by fans for 24 hours this weekend for a charity event loosely translated as "Boob Aid".

The 9 adult movie stars told local media on Monday, August 25, they could barely contain their excitement about the "Stop! AIDS" campaign event – which will be televised live – but asked, perhaps somewhat optimistically: please be gentle.

"I'm really looking forward to lots of people fondling my boobs," Rina Serina told the Tokyo Sports newspaper. "But I would be very happy if you would please be delicate."

The event, the 12th since its launch in 2003, will be broadcast on adult cable television, with punters donating to the anti-AIDS campaign in exchange for a feel.

It comes after sexist heckling of a Tokyo assemblywoman hit the headlines, highlighting old-fashioned views towards women that still permeate Japanese society.

"I never thought my boobs could contribute to society," added the ponytailed Serina, apparently unaware of any contradiction.

Fellow hershey kisses actress Iku Sakuragi had no qualms about being groped by hundreds of pairs of hands.

"It's for charity," said the 21-year-old. "Squeeze them, donate money – let's be happy."

Lawmakers from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling party sparked a public outcry in June when they subjected Tokyo assemblywoman Ayaka Shiomura to sexist taunts, shouting "Why don't you get married?" at her during a debate on motherhood.

Japan has one of the lowest rates of female workforce participation in the developed world and a lack of childcare facilities, poor career support and deeply entrenched sexism are blamed for keeping women at home.

The 24-hour "squeeze-a-thon" begins at 8pm on Saturday, August 30 (1100 GMT) and is backed by the Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention.

  Replies (16)
 BatteryPatch v1.0
23/07/2014 04:32 PM Posted by: bsanehi in PSP News
104: BatteryPatch v1.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
Spoiler for description:
Author: ABCanG

This plugin will help PSP Go users to see exactly how much battery percentage is remaining.

You have to also use Dayviewer plugin for this to take effect.

Initial release
[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg] [Image: ORIGINAL_SOURCE.png]
[Image: Battery_Patch.png]
  Replies (5)
 RELEASE: Haunter Remixedv4.5
18/07/2014 12:25 PM Posted by: slyboogy27 in PSP News
Haunter Remixedv4.5

5.00m33 Theme

[Image: 6VCjUHR.png]


Concept & Design

Wave taken from:
mugi (thanks!)

Tools Used:
CTFtool GUI v5 beta - patpat
PRXeditor - patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer - Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter - SONY

Gameboot Tools
UMD Stream Composer
MPS to Gameboot

Adobe Products Used
Photoshop CS3
Fireworks CS3

All icons provided by
simply just scaled them
down and outlined them
in black and saved them
in Fireworks CS3 under
the following settings

* File Type *
- Flattened PNG

* Options *
- PNG 8
- Websnap Adaptive
- Alpha Transparency

Battery Icon is original (decided to get rid of the Ash's PSP battery icon (too big)

Custom Gameboot

simply took the original sony gameboot and faded in the

Custom Click Sounds

Pokémon Green/Red/Blue/Yellow (First Gen) Sound Effects


Custom Font - Pokemon Solid.ttf off of

impose_plugin.rco and busy icon
taken from Large Original Icons Revived CTF

I got the paf.prx & vshmain,prx from the "GraffitiMontage" theme
possibly edited it (them) a bit here and there

A BIG thanks to weterr123 for all his encouraging messages
and supplying me with what I had done on the theme after my
terabyte failed (luckily I sent him the .ctf file before hand)

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Haunter Remixedv4.5.ctf (Size: 3.07 MB / Downloads: 1480)
  Replies (6)
 NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for laws
13/06/2014 02:32 PM Posted by: whjms in Random News
Quote:Washington Post

In a hearing Friday, U.S. District  for the Northern District of California Judge Jeffrey S. White reversed an emergency order he had issued earlier the same week barring the government from destroying data that the Electronic Frontier Foundation had asked be preserved for that case. The data is collected under Section 702 of the Amendments Act to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

But the NSA argued that holding onto the data would be too burdensome. "A requirement to preserve all data acquired under section 702 presents significant operational problems, only one of which is that the NSA may have to shut down all systems and databases that contain Section 702 information," wrote NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett in a court filing submitted to the court.

The complexity of the NSA systems meant preservation efforts might not work, he argued, but would have "an immediate, specific, and harmful impact on the national security of the United States." Part of this complexity, Ledgett said, stems from privacy restrictions placed on the programs by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Granted, they obviously delete a lot of data, but it's still a funny headline.
  Replies (1)
 Xbox One games dumped; ISOs posted online
17/04/2014 09:45 PM Posted by: Kuu in Tech News
Scene and P2P sites have started posting Xbox One rips.

[Image: 5FTradR.jpg?1]

Originally, C4Eva (of iXtreme fame) posted that he successfully dumped Call of Duty: Ghosts weeks ago.

But today, 20+ weeks later, Ryse has made it onto file sharing sites. For those interested, it was released with the tag

This means all 3 next gen consoles (Wii U, X1, PS4) have had their games and NAND dumped and are waiting for a method to load them.
  Replies (7)
 [RELEASE] Music.prx for 6.60
01/04/2014 10:02 PM Posted by: ErikPshat in PSP News
[Image: 8d125ac2d91466b4cf50ee5cadb8ef29.png]

Type PSP: Fat and Slim
Tested on: 6.60 CFW
Playable formats: mp3, at3, aa3, oma, omg
BitHacker: ErikPshat ;)

This is new real port plugin music.prx for 6.60 CFW.


[Image: e95172f70d5c762792e93643c73339d9.png]

Tested on PSP-3000 6.60 LME-1.8:

Disconnect all other conflicting plug-ins
  1. Worked! DEBUG = 1/0
  2. Worked! DIR = ms0:/MUSIC/
  3. Worked! subDIR = ms0:/MUSIC/xxx/
  4. Worked! Default startup settings in "music_conf.txt"
  5. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 9i5p5e_th.jpg] = VOLUP =
  6. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 2lm0xnb_th.jpg] = VOLDOWN =
  7. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 2vdqgx4_th.jpg] = START_STOP =
  8. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 2e3zxw0_th.jpg] = PREVIOUS =
  9. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: dyra10_th.jpg] = NEXT =
  10. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 160vnrq_th.jpg] = MODE_TOGGLE =   #SEQ/RAND
  11. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 2u40tgl_th.jpg] = CPU_NEXT =
  12. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: bf1a2x_th.jpg] = CPU_PREV =
  13. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 30cae4m_th.jpg] = RELOAD =
  14. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 2e14z0l_th.jpg] = DISPLAY =
  15. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: 1zqxyt0_th.jpg] = IN_GAME_MUTE =
  16. Worked! [Image: 2m7ho4w_th.jpg] + [Image: otn405_th.jpg] = LOOP =

.zip  Music.prx 0.56 & src [660cfw].zip (Size: 117.24 KB / Downloads: 4074) |
  Replies (11)
 [Theme] Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
25/12/2013 12:58 PM Posted by: Ordi in PSP Theme Releases
Hi and merry christmas. Yay
The theme contains:
+ custom Coldboot
+ custom Gameboot
+ custom XMB
+ custom sounds ( in fact actual sounds from the game)
- no animations though :(

The theme is a bit pixelated on the Vita, but other than this it also works fine with TN's eCFW.



This is my first theme, but I hope you like it nonetheless. Madwin
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