Paper Mario Mario Story Glory 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.60 & Adrenaline Re
24/01/2020 07:18 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Paper Mario Mario Story Glory
Paper Mario (MSG)
6.61 ∞ (Infinity) & 6.60 / PS Vita (Adrenaline) CTF Release

[Image: aHFN3bb.png]

Paper Mario (MSG)-Adren.ctf
- This link is for PS Vita Adrenaline / also doubles as 6.60 Pro-C

Paper Mario (MSG).ctf
This link is for 6.61 ∞ (Infinity)

Concept & Design
& whoever made the
Graffiti Montage theme
as I used its spacing
and UI for my base

Wave and background mod
taken from: mugi (Thanks!)
Background made by me:
BigDaddyWeaves of course!!

Tools Used:
CTFtoolGUI v5 Beta3 – patpat & ErikPshat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY
and many others that I haven't
mentioned THANK YOU ALL

Gameboot Tools
1) avi2wav
2) UMD Stream Composer
3) MPS to Gameboot
4) SUPER converter

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing sprites, creating wallpaper)
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .png files for .rco’s)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .xml files from .rco's)
4) Premiere Pro CS3 (Editing and making gameboot)

All icons provided by

Custom Gameboot
I simply faded in the Intelligent Systems Logo and
added a sound effect from the game

All custom click sounds provided by
A great collection of .wav sounds ripped by Parakarry.

Custom Font - Agenda-Black.otf by Greg Thompson (1993)
- used this again but upped the font size and looked pretty good
so I kept it, I thought the last one was too small

6.61 ∞ (Infinity) is the: Paper Mario (MSG).ctf link
6.60 / PS Vita (Adrenaline) is the: Paper Mario (MSG)-Adren.ctf link

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Paper Mario (MSG).ctf (Size: 6.02 MB / Downloads: 1959)
.ctf  Paper Mario (MSG)-Adren.ctf (Size: 6.02 MB / Downloads: 1541)
  No Replies
 Paper Mario Mario Story Glory 5.00M33 CTF Release
02/12/2018 01:44 PM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Paper Mario (MSG) [5.00 M33 CTF Release]
THIS IS A RE-RELEASE UPDATE. Been working on making it perfect.
As you can see, the battery icon is now made up
of hearts accompanied by Mario's hammer and boots.
The background is now not a dark shade of blue
and all characters show off their colors.
[Image: Ybu7kOa.png]

Concept & Design
& whoever made the
Graffiti Montage theme
as I used it's spacing
and UI for my base

5.00M33 Theme
6.61 Adrenaline Theme
located on my Twitter
& Facebook accounts!

Wave and background mod
taken from: mugi (thanks!)
- One of these days I'll
figure out how to make
my own XMB wave

Tools Used:
CTFtoolGUI v5 Beta3 – patpat & ErikPshat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY
and many others thank you all!

Gameboot Tools
1) avi2wav
2) UMD Stream Composer
3) MPS to Gameboot
4) SUPER converter

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing sprites, creating wallpaper)
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .png files for .rco’s)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .xml files from .rco's)
4) Premiere Pro CS3 (Editing and making gameboot)

All icons provided by

Custom Gameboot
I simply faded in the Intelligent Systems Logo and
added a sound effect from the game

All custom click sounds provided by
A great collection of .wav sounds ripped by Parakarry.

Custom Font - Agenda-Black.otf by Greg Thompson (1993)
- used this again but upped the font size and looked
pretty good so I kept it, thought the last one
was too small

I used the same paf.prx & vshmain.prx from the original Paper Mario Release

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Paper Mario (MSG).ctf (Size: 5.72 MB / Downloads: 1481)
  Replies (5)
 System Update ---> Reboot
06/05/2017 10:33 PM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Customisation Developments
Basically want to learn how to make this "Reboot" icon work with all themes.
Here's what I have:
[Image: 5Jr1nxT.png]
Here's what I want: (A one click option that reboots the PSP as soon as you press the Reboot option)
I don't want the options in the first pic to come up...
The "Update Firmware" and Update Game Ca..." etc. etc.
[Image: ODwfEht.png]
If someone could clue me in to what to edit I'd greatly appreciate it.
Updated Paper Mario (MSG) theme coming with 6.61 support. Need a bit of help,
will be posting more later.
  Replies (23)
 Pokémon Starter Sprite Custom Home Screen
30/01/2017 05:40 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP News
Here's the download link for the new Pokémon Starter Sprite Custom Home Screen.
Featuring the original 3 starter Pokémon

What this will do...
Changes your boring old Home Screen Menu to the new Pokémon Starter Sprite Custom Home Screen

============= CREDITS ==================

Imposer GUI v0.1
Imposer.exe v0.2 by Z33
Original image shown below:

[Image: H84q3sP.png]

(whoever created this did a very good job)
I simply Pixelated it and shrunk the sprites

============== GUIDE ===================

Make sure you are on 5.00m33-6
Hold R trigger while booting PSP
Recovery menu will open
Now select "Advanced" and then "Toggle USB (flash 0)"
Plug PSP into computer and drag files from .zip file into the appropriate folders
(everything is already in the correct folder so it makes it easier)

============= WARNING ==================

If done wrong this will semi-brick your PSP some people may even fully brick, if done completely wrong.
Make sure to follow the instructions carefully.
I will NOT be held responsible for any damage you cause to your PSP if you just so happen to mess up somewhere along the way.
ONLY for 5.00m33-6 firmware (currently)
– hopefully information comes in for different firm-wares
(really want to make a 6.61 custom home screen)

============== BUGS ====================

PSX Home Screen Pixelated Mess
(Non-Fixable to this day, I think)
When pressing the home button on a PSX Game you'll get this pixelated mess.
Don't worry, everything still functions but the volume ticks don't show up anymore and the AVLS and battery icon blink continuously.
Also the volume bar doesn't show up on the main XMB anymore and the mute icon is displayed.
This really only looks good on homebrew games like homebrew EBOOT's and of course ISO's/CSO's
(so if you can deal with a few downfalls I think you'll definitely enjoy this.)

Here's a preview of what you'll be seeing/installing

[Image: 4QANQgJ.png]

[Image: phmOTXu.png]

[Image: VP2MMAG.png]

Enjoy everyone!
If anyone has information on how to do this with 6.61 PRX and RSC files,
please send me a message or comment on this post!

Attached File(s)
.rar  Pokemon Starter Sprite Custom Home Screen.rar (Size: 24.94 KB / Downloads: 3705)
  No Replies
WinkCurtain Call Brawl [5.00M33 CTF Release]
15/11/2016 05:33 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Something new...but old?
#5.00M33 FOREVER
[Image: blur.gif][Image: wooi2.gif][Image: itchingsmile.gif][Image: crybaby.gif][Image: ypeace.gif][Image: hero.gif][Image: adore.gif]
[Image: IeIhQX5.png]
Concept and Design:
BigDaddyWeaves AND to whoever made the "Large Original Icons" theme,
I once again used it as my base when building this. I love the style
and how everything is centered.

Huge shout out to AbyssWolf over at DeviantArt
It's where every character sprite came from.
The collection is very well done so I figured I'd use them,
granted I didn't ask permission. But hell, I'm already done
so this will have to do.

The Pitfall item icon that's displayed only shows up if you have the custom home screen hack installed on your PSP

Edit 10/27/2022 - This theme is currently Revamped!
Curtain Call Brawl Revamped

Please give it a try.
[Image: try.gif]

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Curtain Call Brawl.ctf (Size: 6.37 MB / Downloads: 3300)
  Replies (1)
 Bash coming to Windows (Officially)
31/03/2016 05:46 PM Posted by: Kuu in Tech News
I thought it was an april Fools joke at first. Nope.

Ubuntu and Microsoft are in bed.

[Image: AjSfIek.jpg]

Here, let’s break it down slowly…

Quote:1. Windows 10 users
2. Can open the Windows Start menu
3. And type “bash” [enter]
4. Which opens a cmd.exe console
5. Running Ubuntu’s /bin/bash
6. With full access to all of Ubuntu user space
7. Yes, that means apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, said, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch…
8. And most of the tens of thousands binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives!

  Replies (6)
 God of Themes [5.00M33 CTF Release]
24/02/2016 02:09 PM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
God of Themes

[Image: uLqGV8J.png]

Thank you to author J64 who made the original "Simplistic" theme,
I used it as my base when building this one. I liked the style
and how everything was set up.

Concept & Design
BigDaddyWeaves & J64

5.00m33 Theme

Wave / animated dots / background mod
all done by me this time (thanks Weaves!)
Wave taken from the 176 XMB Waves pack found on EndlessParadigm!
the dot animation I found a long time ago
inside a PS3 theme I believe
thought it was cool so I integrated it into the theme

Tools Used
CTFtool GUI v5 beta – patpat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY

Gameboot Tools
1) avi2wav
2) UMD Stream Composer
3) MPS to Gameboot
4) SUPER converter

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing sprites & category icons, creating wallpaper)
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .png files for .rco’s)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .xml files from .rco's)
4) Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 for YouTube preview this time
(wasn’t feeling lazy so I made one)

All icons provided by
The Wonderful World Wide Web
(I got pictures and graphics from ALL over)
soon to be working on “Large Original Icons - God of Themes Edition”
which will have more than just the category icons

Custom Gameboot
Footage of God of War III taken off YouTube and edited
into a short gameboot

Custom Click Sounds

No new custom click sounds same as “Simplistic” theme

Custom Font - Agenda-Black.otf by Greg Thompson (1993)

No credits this time (meaning no custom sysconf_plugin_about.rco)

The Gorgon's Eye that's displayed only shows up if you have the custom home screen hack installed on your PSP

Attached File(s)
.ctf  God of Themes.ctf (Size: 6.15 MB / Downloads: 3140)
  Replies (1)
 Pokémon (SoulSilver) [5.00M33 CTF Release]
20/12/2015 12:53 PM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
[Image: MeU3wia.png]

Thank you to whoever made the "Large Original Icons" theme,
I used it as my base when building this one. I liked the style
and how everything was centered.

Concept & Design

5.00M33 Theme

Wave and background mod
taken AGAIN from: mugi (thanks!)

Tools Used:
CTFtool GUI v5 beta – patpat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY

Gameboot Tools
1) avi2wav
2) UMD Stream Composer
3) MPS to Gameboot
4) SUPER converter

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing sprites, creating wallpaper)
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .png files for .rco’s)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .xml files from .rco's)
4) No YouTube preview this time (too lazy to make one)

All icons provided by
The Wonderful World Wide Web
(I got pictures of Pokémon from ALL over)

Custom Gameboot
I simply took the original SONY gameboot and faded in the
GAMEFREAK Logo and added sound from the game
No new gameboot same as Haunter Remixedv4.5 theme

Custom Click Sounds

Pokémon Green/Red/Blue/Yellow (First Gen)
Sound Effects Collection on Youtube
No new custom click sounds same as Haunter Remixedv4.5 theme

Custom Font - Agenda-Black.otf by Greg Thompson (1993)

No credits this time (meaning no custom sysconf_plugin_about.rco)

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Pokemon (SoulSilver).ctf (Size: 6.57 MB / Downloads: 3785)
  Replies (32)

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