[version] 102746=500 208576=620 [620] 0x1C=- 0x580=- 0x564=- 0x554=- 0x528=x position folder icon after folder exit -94 0x470=x position game icon in enter -148 0x410=x position game icon in infobar -168 0x408=- 0x3D4=- 0x144=- 0x160=- 0x200=x position folder icon in game infomenu -144 0x278=- 0x29C=- 0x238=- 0x394=-------------------- 0x43C=-------------------- 0x474=-------------------- 0x568=-------------------- 0xD4=-------------------- 0x5DC=- 0x5B4=- 0x598=- 0x594=- 0x57C=- 0x504=- 0x3B0=x position game folder icon in infobar -144 0x390=- 0x328=x position game icon after infobar -148 0x2D4=- 0x2AC=- 0x84=- 0x268=x position folder icon after infobar -94 0x340=- 0x374=x position folder icon while inside folder -265 0x3CC=x position folder icon while inside folder infobar -285 0x438=x position folder icon in enter -94 0x2A4=- 0x2F8=x position folder icon while inside folder after infobar -265 0x270=- 0x1C4=Icon0 space from left side (positive moves left and negative moves right) -168 0x19C=- 0x124=- 0x4=- 0x8=- 0x10=- 0x28=- 0x30=- 0x3C=- 0x40=- 0x7C=- 0x88=- 0x90=- 0x94=- 0x98=- 0x9C=- 0xA4=- 0xA8=- 0x74=- 0x48=- 0xD0=- 0xD8=- 0xDC=- 0xE0=- 0xE4=- 0xE8=- 0xF0=- 0xF4=- 0xFC=- 0x12C=- 0x130=- 0x134=- 0x14C=- 0x150=- 0x168=- 0x16C=- 0x1A4=y position game icon in infomenu (when games in folder) 85 0x1A8=x position game icon in infomenu (when games in folder)-80 0x294=- 0x2CC=- 0x320=- 0x358=- 0x454=- 0x300=x position game icon after infobar (when games in folder) -148 0x208=- 0x20C=- 0x1CC=y position game icon in infomenu 85 0x1D0=x position game icon in infomenu -80 0x14=- 0x3E4=alpha unfocused game icons in infobar 0.5 0x48C=alpha unfocused game icons in infobar (after exit of infomenu) 0x3A0=alpha unfocused folder icons in infobar 0.5 0x484=- 0x4C8=- 0x478=- 0x458=- 0x430=- 0x418=- 0x400=- 0x3FC=- 0x3F4=- 0x3B8=- 0x3C0=- 0x1F0=speed of folder icon back to position after exit infomenu 200 0x1F8=speed of folder icon to infomenu position 200 0x1E0=speed of main icons alpha returning from infomenu 200 0x1DC=speed of folder icons alpha returning from infomenu 200 0x45C=speed of game icon focus on to screen 200 0x464=speed of game icon scroll on to screen 200 0x3A8=speed of folder icon move when entering infobar 200 0x3EC=speed of game icon move when entering infobar 200 0x42C=speed of folder icon scroll in 200 0x384=speed of game icon scroll in (in folders) 0x380=speed of game icon focus on to screen (in folders) 0x31C=speed of game icon scroll in after infobar 200 0x260=speed of folder icon scroll in after infobar 200 0x244=unfocus speed of main icon when entering infomenu (when games grouped in folders) 200 0x240=unfocus speed of folder title and info when entering infomenu (when grouped in folders) 200 0x210=unfocus speed of unfocused folder icons when entering infomenu 200 0x1B0=speed of game icon shrink when entering infomenu 200 0x1B4=speed of game icon move into position (infomenu) 200 0x1B8=unfocus speed of unfocused game icons when entering infomenu 200 0x18C=speed of game icon into position after infomenu exit 200 0x184=speed of game icon return to regular size exiting infomenu 200 0x178=speed of unfocused game icons return to screen 200