well i decided to not play any video games for a year cause i don't enjoy playing them anymore,
and this should help me improve my academic performance and give me a lot of time to other stuff .
I did something like what are doing years ago, I got sick of video games, they can't seem to make any good games now a days, they spend too much time on making them look great and less on truly good stories. I play games 10 minutes here and there. The last time I beat a game was FF7, and the time before that was super metriod. It could also be that I suck a games :/
up to now, I'm still playing final fantasy tactics (ps1). been playing it since 1999.
can't find a game to replace it. T_T
just find a casual game. video games makes your brain thinking better.
the last real good game I've played is Loco Roco, which I finished.,
i can sometimes get sick of games. i always use my ps3 though for music and everything. i play zelda loads mind.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:the last real good game I've played is Loco Roco, which I finished.,
and COD4!!
COD4 sucks now. sorry to disappoint mehhakker but i think it's way too annoying now...
hope you keep it up. i don't think i will be able to reisist game for even at least 1 month
i hope i can keep up my resolve as well, i havent played a simgle game since 3 days now i think
over the years i have always played game.. I am talking years and years... There are a great way of killing time... The problem is when it takes over your life and you think about nothing else... Lets not forget that some people sit in front of a TV and watch spoon soaps and other dumb programs or the 1s that spend all there time taking drugs and becoming a vegetable...
Point i am making is when you play games u activate a part of your brain which makes us human, makes us think, wee search gor the unknown..