Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Damn Skorms Bow
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ON fable TLC, no matter what i sacrifice, or at what time, its always a pittance

I turned to the net, who told me to sacrifice Merc's at 6AM, but still nothing

No matter what i do, the most awesome bow in the game continues to evade me

Damn it, any one else played this game/got the bow
Well, try doing it at 6pm or midnight. RIGHT when it hits, you should already see the guy being sacrificed. You get more points if you are completely aligned with good, and even more if it is the merc from the your hometown, since he is a noble merc.  I am pretty sure I got it on my 2nd try, and forgot to save, so then spent another hour or so redoing it over and over until I got my skorms bow.  I am almost positive this was how I did it.
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