07/05/2008, 10:21 PM
![[Image: icon0rh1.png]](http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/4241/icon0rh1.png)
This is the best version of SnesTYL for the 3.XX kernel to date, it does not have the sound glitches that current ports of SnesTYL have, and it runs most games faster.
This is a repack with a bad translated readme_ENG.txt and the needed folders and ini's files.
README.TXT Wrote:ソースコードs9xTYLmecmsrc.zip。バグ等が起きても責任は持てません。
2007/10/21 ホームボタンでメニューが出るようにした。
2007/10/22 PSP acceleratedでブラックスクリーンになっていた。修正
2008/04/23 user版 ちょこっと速度アップしたかもしれない
Me版 初リリース。fm3.xxMe版の150% このuser版の115%速度アップ。とりあえず動くレベル。 1287 1501
2008/04/24 Me版 サウンドが少しおかしいのを修正したつもり。速度2%アップ 1347 1534
2008/04/25 Me版 バグが発生する可能性があるため一部ロールバック 1293 1524 887
2008/05/01 ハイレゾクオリティアップ,"PSP accelerated"、"PSP accel. + accur. soft.","PSP accel. + approx. soft."のとき。ものによっては見ずらいかも
2008/05/03 速度2%アップ。SA-1多少高速化したかもしれない 1438 1542 923
Translated README.TXT Wrote:Source codes9xTYLmecmsrc.zip?Bug and the like occurring, it cannot have responsibility. Me Way edition is unstable, if EBOOT.PBP.user Please use.
Renewal past record:
2007/10/21 The menu that tried comes out with the foam/home button. Version info ROMCRC It tried to indicate.
2007/10/22 PSP accelerated So it had become the black screen. Correction DSP1Little bit acceleration?
2008/04/23 users Perhaps edition speed it raised little bit, Me Edition first release.fm3.xxMeEdition150% ThisuserEdition115%Speed rise. The level which moves temporarily. 12,871,501 Sleep and clock modification is not possible as a compensation.
2008/04/24 Me Edition The intention of correcting the fact that sound is strange a little.Speed2%Rise 13,471,534
2008/04/25 Me Edition Because there is a possibility bug occurring part rollback 12,931,525,632
2008/05/01 [hairezokuoriteiatsupu]“PSP accelerated “PSP accel. + accur. soft. ““PSP accel. + approx. soft. “When being. Depending upon the thing you do not see, whether the leprosy
2008/05/03 Speed2%Rise.SA-1Perhaps it accelerated more or less, 14,381,542,400
Updated: Build 5-13-08[attachment=1683]