Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Suggestion for another graphics contest
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I know there's Sig Of The Week, and MehHakker suggested a Photo Of The Week, but I have a suggestion myself. What if wee have a contest for large pieces, like full paintings? Instead of it being once a week, it would be once every two weeks, allowing people to get ideas and really flesh them out. It would have the same rotating themes as SOTW. The reason I say this is because I hate making sigs, but I LOVE digital painting, and I know some other people on here do too.

What do you guys think?
this has been suggested myself before, and has been on the back burner waiting to commence.

I'm too busy to commit to any competition management at the moment.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:this has been suggested myself before, and has been on the back burner waiting to commence.

I'm too busy to commit to any competition management at the moment.

As of now, I am too, but this summer I'll be free as a bird.
i think i can organize it... i think wee can use the same idea senseito gave on the POTW thread (the minimum amount of entries)....

wee would need a name...

LP mastermind of the month?

(i know, that name implies making the competition one a month...)

LP Mastermind Challenge!
Kaiser Wrote:i think i can organize it... i think wee can use the same idea senseito gave on the POTW thread (the minimum amount of entries)....

wee would need a name...

LP mastermind of the month?

(i know, that name implies making the competition one a month...)

LP Mastermind Challenge!

Yeah that or go monthly LAOTM.

Because LA takes longer MUCH longer to make than a sig so of course you need more time to enter.
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