Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [PREVIEW] Wii Homebrew Channel
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A new preview of the soon to be released Homebrew Channel that is use to launch homebrew on the Nintendo Wii using the Twilight Hack.  To learn how to hack your Nintendo Wii more info can be found HERE.

Source: YouTube

I will be sure to keep you guys updated on anymore new info ;P
sweet! thanks for the preview.
No problem, it looks really cool
so you only need to use the twilight hack once for installation of the homebrew channel and then that's it?
It looks so ahsum. Well worth the wait! And yes, you only need to use Twilight Hack once. It installs itself in the Wii system.

I can't wait!
what did it do at the end???
Senseito Sakura Wrote:what did it do at the end???
He started WiiLinux with the TCP/IP loader.
This is relevant to mah interests.  Thanks fer the update, please keep us up to date.
now to get a wii
wow, that is absolutely awesome, cannae wait
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