Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What kind of girl/woman do you like/dislike?
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
I find really small girls that look innocent really hot, they have to have tits(b cups are fine, c cups for the win) and an donkey of course.
No Fat Chicks.
andrewcc Wrote:HOTTZORZ!!!!!!!!

uh thanks diego.....
R!KKU Wrote:uh thanks diego.....

I ♥ U. Inluv
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I ♥ U. Inluv


Don't take Rikku!

Moar "I like my women how I like my coffee" jokes!

I like my women how I like my coffee:
…hot, covered in foam, full of whiskey and awaiting my swizzle stick
…black, hot and spilled all over my lap.
…ground up and in my freezer
…expensive and on every corner.
…wet and leaking all over the place.
…all over my burning crotch.
…from Columbia.
…too hot to handle.
…begging for cream.
…Weak and white
...in a plastic cup.
…Imported from an exotic Latin American country
…Once in the morning, once at lunch and once before bed (or more)
...steamy and in large cups
...first thing in the morning
...strong and keeping me up all night
...drunk, horny, writhing on my living room floor, and dressed up in a catholic schoolgirl’s uniform with her skirt hiked up around her waist exposing her one-size-too-small, slightly wet panties, and letting out barely audible, breathy little moans.
metalgear08 Wrote:..drunk, horny, writhing on my living room floor, and dressed up in a catholic schoolgirl’s uniform with her skirt hiked up around her waist exposing her one-size-too-small, slightly wet panties, and letting out barely audible, breathy little moans.

what kind of coffee is this....................? 0.o
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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