Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Kindergartner Brings Drugs To School
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I don't particularly think this is weird, considering the situation.  Obviously the parent(s) didn't do a good job of educating the child...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I don't particularly think this is weird, considering the situation.  Obviously the parent(s) didn't do a good job of educating the child...

Wait, is that sarcasm?  Can't tell...

The kid is "developmentally challenged" and his mom had a bunch of the stuff, probably selling it.  Dunno If I'd be explaining what it is to the kid if I were in that situation, which would require a LOT of changes in my morals, as well as physique.  He brought it to show his classmates and teacher.
Lol. Thanks for posting!
Hellgiver Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I don't particularly think this is weird, considering the situation.  Obviously the parent(s) didn't do a good job of educating the child...

Wait, is that sarcasm?  Can't tell...

The kid is "developmentally challenged" and his mom had a bunch of the stuff, probably selling it.  Dunno If I'd be explaining what it is to the kid if I were in that situation, which would require a LOT of changes in my morals, as well as physique.  He brought it to show his classmates and teacher.

So what are you referring to as "education"? Something like trying to hammer into the kid's head from a young age that it is something that definately must be kept secret, and bad things will happen if anyone figures out? Or do you mean a method of deceit, like trying to hammer into his head that drugs are good. Or actually telling him the truth, like drugs are bad, wee are bad, don't be like us.

Trying to hide it from him won't work forever. Sooner or later, the kid will figure out. It's just a matter of time. so all you can hope is that this time is later. "Educating" him like the 1st or 2nd way mentioned above also won't work forever, but if you do a good job, by the time he figures out (old enough to seriously think for himself), he will probably be old enough to know the consequences of doing something like what he did. So relatively, it's probably the "safer" method.

But if I was in that situation, I'll be trying a mixture of both methods. Try to hide it from him, AND hammer into his head something like: never tell anything personal to strangers, and never reveal anything about yourself/your family, ever. So even if he somehow finds out my secret, he will be reluctant to reveal it. 2 layers of protection. «-- That is, if I'm selfish, and if my highest priority was to preserve my secret.

If my highest priority was something like propperly educating my child, and setting him on a straight path, then I guess I'll tell him exactly what it is, and that it's bad, and he should not follow our path, and never have anything to do with it... blah blah blah...
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