05/05/2008, 04:15 AM
This might be no surprise to some of you, but:
I have absolutely no doubt about this. My old keyboard used to be white, and it was closer to gray, with all sorts of gross stuff on it. This one has plenty of dried food on it, along with who knows what else? Do you guys keep your high tech, amazinglicious keyboards clean? Or have they fallen to dirt side?
Quote:Computer keyboards are dirtier than toilets and are home to millions of bacteria, according to a new study conducted by the consumer watchdog Which.
Some of the bugs could give you the trots and vomiting, as researchers found the “dirty qwertys” were home to a host of bugs, including E coli and staphylococcus aureus. Boffins compared 30 keyboards with a toilet seat and toilet door handle in a typical London office. One keyboard was so toxic it was found to be a health hazard, as it was five times filthier than the toilet seat.
Two more of the 33 tested keyboards had "warning levels" of bacteria, putting the user at risk if it spread, and a further two had high levels of coliform – associated with fecal matter. Apparently, it gets worse if you eat at your terminal because the crumbs that fall into the keyboard feed the bugs.
Munching on snacks at your desk is the main cause of germs, as crumbs fall into the keyboard and encourage the growth of bacteria.
I have absolutely no doubt about this. My old keyboard used to be white, and it was closer to gray, with all sorts of gross stuff on it. This one has plenty of dried food on it, along with who knows what else? Do you guys keep your high tech, amazinglicious keyboards clean? Or have they fallen to dirt side?