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Full Version: What the eff? Trackpad isn't working
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I'm about to trash this laptop right now..

Now in my list of cultivated problems, I bring you a new one. The damn trackpad isn't working. It was working last night before the drivers for it were even installed. (Yep, worked fine) Now, today, my bro was using it, and he was doing something and he gave it back to me saying that the mouse wasn't working. double you tee eff! ? ! So, I thought it was those one in a while freezes. But no, its not. I restart, and the mouse is still frozen. So, I get aggravated because everytime my bro is around/uses this laptop, he always hits it, or does some spoon, and says there's a problem with it and he didn't do nothing.

I did a repair install of XP, and then took the time out of my life, and that didn't work either. However, I now have a fresh SP2 RTM install. (hehe)

So, I gave the laptop a long rest, and did some stuff around the house. When I go, the trackpad still didn't work. Went online and did a driver install. Reboot, and still no go.

So what now? Please tell me its something stupid and not a hardware phail. Cause, I'm going to be in some deep spoon in my cousin on why the trackpad isn't working. (Ironically, it's the same reason he gave it to me in the first place) >_>

Imma going to see if the mouse works in Ubuntu. If not, idk... And no USB Mouse so I can't have the joy of point and click in the meanwhile. By the way, slide and tap wins anyways.

Ideas before I lose it?
hit start
Right click on my computer
hit properties
Click hardware
Click device manager

Look for the trackpad and see if its installed and enabled.
Also how old is it? Is it possible that it just died? Is it wireless? if so is the battery charged?

I don't know those are just some things I would look at.

Right now I'm ready to go off at microsoft because I can't get all the files I need in a windows sdk.
wee can be angry together
u can go to device manager by run-» devmgmt.msc

ask him what exactly he was doing.. not accuse.. maybe something by mistake//
trust me. problems do NOT get solved by hitting spoon. i know from experience. just get the thing fixed before you do something you'll regret.
He was using it and playing BVE. I was busy sleeping while he was using it. He woke me up at 8, 9, and 11 just for me to fix something with the laptop.

And about drivers, they're installed. Like I said, XP natively was able to work the trackpad without trackpads, just like Ubuntu :-p.
Have you disconected and reconnected it?

Also does it still work in ubuntu?
trackpad should load its own drivers. if you feel like it, try reinstalling the OS.. else I don't kno!
have you tried checking the settings in control panel. it might have been turned off if you used a mouse for a long period.

(i 'accidentally turned my laptops touchpad off once. it was a nightmare to turn it back on)
Slushba132 Wrote:Have you disconected and reconnected it?

Also does it still work in ubuntu?

Nope. Didn't work.

andrewcc Wrote:have you tried checking the settings in control panel. it might have been turned off if you used a mouse for a long period.

(i 'accidentally turned my laptops touchpad off once. it was a nightmare to turn it back on)

Disabled and re-activated it. Still not moving.

feinicks Wrote:trackpad should load its own drivers. if you feel like it, try reinstalling the OS.. else I don't kno!

*sigh* Not in the mood for that. And even if, it's time-consuming.
If it doesn't work in ubuntu its probably hardware, because linux and microsoft use different drivers
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