Endless Paradigm

Full Version: made a wallpaper!
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thought I'd try my hand at making wallpapers (desktop) and made this...

[Image: amoresmallercopy.png]

obv. this is a smaller copy to give an idea...

this is on my desktop with resolution of 1440*900 px...

[Image: amorescreenshot.png]

for those who might want it,
Spoiler for The wallpaper:
[Image: amorewallapercopy.png]
yay their kissing!!!! lol lol jk

but its a bit bright don't you think?
i wanted it to be bright...

looks nice in full resolution..
^^why not post the full resolution version so wee can see??????
k.. but photobucket resizes images so its not full 1440*900....
cool wallpaper feinicks. killer use of potoshop!
domo..... Hi
added the wallpaper, if any1 wants it or anything..
feinicks Wrote:added the wallpaper, if any1 wants it or anything..

change the limitation to 1MB rather than a resolution...
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