Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need To Downgrade 3.03 & Below, Well Come Here
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Need to downgrade and haven't a clue how to, well you came to the right place. Everything you need is in the downloads below.


Firmware Updates

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[Image: dl.gif]

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Recovery For Any OE Version

Brick your psp or just
want to go back to 1.5

[Image: dl.gif]

Still Confused, well this thread about bricks may help
created by taekwondokid.



Please Select Your PSP Firmware Version Below, Which You Need To Downgrade.

3.03  3.02  3.01  3.00

2.81  2.80  2.71  2.70
2.60  2.50  2.01  2.00

1.52  1.51  1.50


What To Do After DownGrading

3.30oe-A Open Edition Firmware Installer
If you have a 1.5, you can use this, Its 3.30 mixed with 1.5 so you can play your PSX games without the need for a PS3 and all the other features 3.30 has, It other best strength it it can launch homebrew just like a 1.5 and also launch ISO's straight from the GAME menu.
[Image: dl.gif]

Devhook .52.0100 Installer
When you have downgraded to 1.5, you will need Devhook to play your Umd's and ISO's(but i advise on getting 3.10oe its can launch iso's and its just the best).
Here's a Link, to Devhook .52.0100 Installer
[Image: dl.gif]

zinga, i will update this asap
Hey thanks a lot Calo for posting! :)
I thought this thread looked familiar. What's up, Calo?
Liquid Wrote:I thought this thread looked familiar. What's up, Calo?
hi liquid nice to see you. :)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Hey thanks a lot Calo for posting! :)

hi zinga, still didn't get my pass yet. :(
more time for me though. :)

but as the saying goes, no mon no fun, no fun no hun.


also what's the difference between 780x480 and 480x272 on the psp.

yes that's my at maxconsole.
Calo Wrote:also what's the difference between 780x480 and 480x272 on the psp.

yes that's my at maxconsole.
Lol - for the PSP, nothing at all.
What's the story with the topmenu_plugin for 3.30oe?
I dunno - haven't tried it.  From what I heard, my 3.0x topmenu works: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=875
i tried the one from the black theme pack, but the xmb never showed up it was just black.

i then found one from maxconsole, it worked,
i think its from your 3.10oe rco file. idk
nice tutorial
can you downgrade a 2.81 TA-082?
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