Endless Paradigm

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I remember coming across this site a few years back, and recently saw a few that reminded me of it.  It is a pretty old site, but some of you might not have heard of it or haven't visited it in a while. Apparently they have updated the pics and the site look.  Plenty of gems in it.  It is called http://www.engrish.com.  It is a site that has photos of badly translated phrases from signs and other things into English, as well as some signs that have idiomatic meanings that are probably lost on the majority of the city that they reside in.  Post some of your favorites. There are literally hundreds of photos.
Here are some examples.

[Image: aburi-roasting-meat.jpg]

[Image: max-jack-off.jpg]

[Image: nice-eat-you.jpg]

[Image: beaver-reform-showroom.jpg]

[Image: black-jeans.jpg]

[Image: colon-booth.jpg]

[Image: cowpoo.jpg]

[Image: PumpkinPoo.jpg]

[Image: moms-mustache.jpg]

[Image: do-me.jpg]

[Image: erection-party.jpg]

[Image: breast-room.jpg]

[Image: pet-trash.jpg]

[Image: yoga-pirates.jpg]

[Image: buy-used-one.jpg]

[Image: today-construction.jpg]

[Image: happy-children-factory.jpg]

Okay, that is all you get.  For the many, many others, go check it out yourself.
today is under construction!? ...


nice HG :D
lol// nice! really funny! Wonder what is an erection party... Hmmm maybe a gay get-together!
Do Me. What I say to Zinga every Friday night. Or was that Diego? Not sure...
Happy Children Factory LOL......... why make it so obvious??
lol those a hilarious!!!!! :P

Here's one for diego:
[Image: cheese-fear.jpg]
This is my favourite. Cause the translation is that wrong. (I didn't get it off the site. It's from a past post here on EP a long time ago).

[Image: wxcnewsneir1212io1au1.jpg]

If you look at the 5 charactors seperately, they mean something along the lines of

1st charactor = "one/a"
2nd charactor = "time/instance"
3rd charactor = "sex"
4th charactor = "use"
5th charactor = "product"

BUT. With Asian languages, you can't just translate charactor by charactor. And so this is a horrible (and extremely hilarious) failure.

The correct translation for the 1st 3 charactors combined is "single use", and the last 2 charactors mean something like "products".

So it should be something like "single use products".... "A time sex thing" sounds like something you would get out of google translations of the past. (These days, even google translations won't screw up that hard).
What about those times you might be turning gay but want to stay straight?

[Image: queer-aid.jpg]

Queer-Aid will fix it!!!


I normally wash with water:

[Image: coleslaw-wash.jpg]

Handle with cake:

[Image: handle-with-cake.jpg]

Hmmmmmmm yeah......

[Image: wet-dreams-shirt.jpg]

lol man that site rox!!!
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