Endless Paradigm

Full Version: If you guys liked Clock Tower... (Check it out, please!)
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...then you would most likely love these series of games for the PC. I'm playing the 2nd one right now and it's pretty intense, suggest you guys try it out. ;)

5 Days A Stranger (Part One)

7 Days A Skeptic (Part Two)

Trilby's Notes (Part Three)

6 Days A Sacrifice (Final Part)

The games are free to download, and each one is only around 2MB.

I am currently on day 7 of 7 Days a Skeptic, and I am scared chocolateless.
details please!! Flatterd
Read the plot of Part One, that's basically all you need to know to play all the rest of the games.
ill check it out
Man, I always wanted to try Clock Tower. Looked so cool.
i am currently playing the first one.... pretty good...
Yeah I already played through all these. The best ones are Trilby's Notes and 6 Days a Sacrifice.

Also the games are made by the same guy who does Zero Punctuation >_>
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