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Full Version: Canadian bank hands out free Eee PCs
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[Image: rbc_eee.jpg]

engadget Wrote:It used to be if you signed up for a new checking account, a bank might throw off a toaster, alarm clock, or in extreme modern cases, a 1GB iPod shuffle. Well times, they are a'changing, and boy do wee wish wee lived in Canada right now. Up north, RBC Royal Bank is offering a free ASUS Eee PC when you switch to their checking account service. That's right, you get an actual computer after completing the move (and dealing with a lot of red tape). Sure, it's only the 7-inch, 2GB version, but it still runs Xandros way better than this solar calculator wee got from our bank.

holy mother of orgy gawd...  why aint I in Canada? Ahh

Wonder when they'll start giving away macbooks or XPS or like...AhaaSmokingg

wow the banking market must be saturated there
How much are those computers???
i guess around $300
And then you see the $500 setup fee... =P
i think that it can never substitute a laptop, but is a great device on its own... revolutionary!
I read up on these, and its not really that good, but free for signing up for a bank account, then it is good
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