Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Direct3D could not be init.
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Hey everyone,

Another computer problem after another eh. Anyways, I was going to mess around with BVE and it doesn't work. It keeps saying that Direct3d could not be initialized. However, I installed the latest driver for the graphix card, and it worked. However, BVE can't seen to detect it.. I uninstalled and reinstalled BVE but it still doesn't recognize it.

Also, I went into dxdiag, and it says Direct3D is enabled.

Ideas before I cry.. AhhSadist

try restarting the PC?
Probably a bug with the application?
i used to get a similar error on my old comp.. but that time it only had 96MB effective RAM. I put in another 256 and all was ok.

Version 4 - latest one - is the one you're using?
re-install direct-x maybe? is direct3d part of direct-x?

woot! 300th post!
yeah, i just suggest reinstalling DirectX, or, if worst comes to worst, reinstall Windows and start fresh. Or it might be your memory. Just try a bunch of stuff, and hopefully one thing will work
diego - Done, how many times now.. T.T

Zinga - It worked before.

Sensito - No. Version2. They're two different apps that have different features and needs different things to run. (V2 needs DirectX, v4 needs .net framework) And some routes don't work on BVE4 or they are hard to convert.

PSPKiller - Hmm. I was looking into that. I was wondering if anyone can give me a link for DirectX 10.. (on Vista. Can't find a download for it anywhere)
Ughh. I give up on this. I should go, reformat, and re-install XP and then throw Ubuntu on somewhere.

If Vista is ever needed, I have everything backed up to my cause's 500 GB external so I can just restore it from the DVD if needed.
isn't there a download on the m$ website?
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