ahh sweet seen this on pspgen but i can't read french
OK, now wee just need topmenu working. The normal ones for 3.03 don't work, but the hacked one Zinga made almost works so wee just need to fix that for 3.30.
ix_stylez Wrote:+ side
volume bar works
battery & loading icons work
custom waves work
custom MAC address work
can play psx games
- side
gameboots don't work
topmenu can't be change yet. (keep getting a 'must be a 2.60 or lower' message)
Gameboot Works For Me :wink2:
What you mean "almost works" please elaborate? Yeah top_menu design was kind of a letdown, but meh I guess give it some time?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Urgh, please post this in PSP News next time :P
lol srry :)
I'm not sure by almost works. Someone said that on another forum. You guys will have to find out and fix it! Just flash the hacked one to it and see what's wrong with it...
beaner2k6 Wrote:cool, i don't want it though I've lived happily ever after since 3.03 oe-c
Me too, atleast for the time being.
Styles - Hope you didn't mind, but I edited your initial post to add that custom xmb sounds are compatible aswell.
its ok, thanks for updating it though.
So ZiNgA's new 3.10 OE topmenu won't work on 3.30 OE or not?
It works but there are alot of glitches.
I'm on 3.30 OE-A right now so yea.