Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sig for a giveaway, claims it here
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did some retarded stuff because i was bored, and i made this yay.........

lol so who wants it (will replace name and might do something different)

[Image: 40914587sd6.jpg]

[Image: 12286184bw4.jpg]

had some ideas but it went double you tee eff in the end XD

P.S. hmmm ive seen to identify my style at doing things :P
* Sushi claims
Awesome but I don't want to claim.
what sushi?

i wants one.
WOW!!! Amazing! nice job tetris! ^_^
[Image: 33461340ku1.jpg]

all yours sushi
mwahahah , im the masterfull sig claimer
nooooo i was too late XP
don't worry, they come around now and then

ideas are hard to make up though, im going kinda flat here XD
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