vinrose67 Wrote:flashing themes on flash0 is good 3.90 themes is working great!
the preview sound on game is not working anyone experinced that?
preview sound,. for game,.!? if you mean game menu,. seems to be working fine,. ;)
Did you flash the theme using the recovery from within XMB?! pressing "select"!?
Sounds like a lot of bugs are surfacing with this.
That's why i suggested to stick with M33 for now...
well the problem is the 3.93 vshmain/paf (in particular, but probably more) are PROBABLY slightly different than 3.90.
just like how 3.80 themes "work" on 3.90 but there ARE problems of xmb crashes and the version doesn't display properly, etc...
I don't know, im installing now :D Gonna do some comparisons on the prxes later.
^^^ Some of these people are having problems did not install custom themes...
I think that this 3.93 cfw is probably just a little buggy.
If you read my above post, you will see there has already been at least 2 different releases of this so far. (Maybe it's the first release causing all the problems ??)
I dunno... There have been hints that 3.95 m33 isn't too far off anyway.
I'll wait for that.
yub might still be a little buggy,. but i miss the umd vid iso option,. :(
so i am gonne pandora back to 3.90m33,.
i wait for NO ONE... LOL...
As for irshell...if you have the full install on your psp already just add this patch *the prx are the same as the 3.80 files that you were supposed to have taken from a 3.80 install, so if you havent done that, then this is very much easier*
just applied the patch and going back in to try no umd mode and remote joy :)
And yes...all of irshell works perfectly~~

hrm...flash0 access via xmb no worky so good wiht cxmb enabled :(
this is a good try for those CFW makers. but i reflashed back to 3.90m33-3.
bro v1 i flash the themes on flash0 on the XMB by pressing select and my sound and preview on game menu is muted.
irshell working great on me!
vinrose67 Wrote:this is a good try for those CFW makers. but i reflashed back to 3.90m33-3.
bro v1 i flash the themes on flash0 on the XMB by pressing select and my sound and preview on game menu is muted.
was prob a bug when you flashed from "vsh-mode recovery",..
i have reinstalled 3.90m33 update 2 too,. ;p to bad,. i liked alot of feature's!! :(
just installed it...
now i don't have
m334ever (or whateevr that plug is called)
Reboot prx T_T
is there a way(a homebrwe maybe?) to get back to 3.90m33?