boogschd Wrote:i wonder why its 3.93 and not 3.95 .. 
Maybe because the TM/DC IPL from Alex work in 3.93 as is, or it's too hard for them to patch for 3.95.
i can't download the file on the source link somebody please post it on the other link so i can try it and post result here?
edit already have it!
woot rayman 2 ps1 works without pops loader,.!! :happy:
updating now!
patching of the mac address and hide pico.png is buggy sometimes work sometimes failure.
it is not directly configured you still need to reset your device to make it work properly.
nontheless i like it because of the baterry tools. hoping for improvement
My batterys really low so i can't upgrade yet , but i am going to get it . Im going to like the recovery bit :P
i did some testing,.
00 mac adress try and enable in vsh-mode with CXMB3.1 plugin enabled semi bricks system submenu,..
00 mac adress works fine without CXMB3.1 enabled,.
Its not posible to enable/disable CXMB from recovery vsh-menu,..
everything else works fine,.. have't tried to flash a theme to flash0 with recovery vsh-mode,..